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"Another job, you say?" Henri replied while watching Ardro practicing a bit of tricks he learned after discovering his re-association. In a low jump, Ardy hopped on a crate, set one foot upon the wall and in a blink, dashed to a high emergency ladder. He was like a brown bald-eagle perched on top a rail assembled to the ladder.

"Yeah it would be a bit rough, but hey, I do agree you have more experiences than me Old Man." Here he goes again. Henri thought smilingly.

"So would you be so kind to offer help to an Old Man like me, huh?" taunted Henri. Ardro leapt from the rusty old rail and down to the soil in the dark with the grace of a cat.

"Maybe-" Ardro paused as he brushed the dust off his palms, "-if you could catch me?" He disappeared and reappeared behind Henri, then poked him with a whisper of "Tag. You're it!" and blasted in a sprint up the concrete wall beside an abandoned pizza parlor. The building was tall on two-stories with a quite height of twelve feet. But for Ardro, all the solution to it was a hunger to run.

"You well damn know that that is unfair? As I've recalled I haven't grown wings yet, see?" Henri complained in a sarcastic tone. While at it he made a few flapping-of-wings-like-a-bird motion and gazed up the tall roof. The sun hasn't shown yet since it was still way too early when Henri and Ardro decided to meet up once again. Henri got up really early after receiving a message from him just a few minutes ago on his Radiogram.
"RUNS ON MELANCHI WAVE ENERGY CELLS AND RELAYS MESSAGES THROUGH ANY AREA AS LONG AS A MELANCHI SHARD IS WITHIN THE LOCATION! PURCHASE A RADIOGRAM NOW FOR ONLY FOUR HUNDRED NEOCREDITS! AVAIL ONE NOW AND GET A FORTY PERCENT DISCOUNT AT JOE'S AND DOE'S! QUALITY STUFF FOR GOOD PRICES!" as the SDRADIO always advertised at times when Henri has got nothing to do at home and he was bored. By trading as a scavenger he has saved his way to Radiogramming, only earning a few Neocredits per week, Henri just bought it not a few months ago.

Ardro sent a message to Henri which was soundlessly sleeping during that time, saying that he's got work to offer but it won't be easy. The more Ardy explains, the more reason for Henri to be curious to go. A little bit of challenge for him won't be a waste of time he thought.

"Okay Old Man! I'm gonna get down since you can't hear me." Leaping twelve feet didn't sound so appetizing for Henri, but Ardro did it anyway and got away with a super hero landing. Dust swirled and rough debris of some sort of gravel splashed as Ardy's weight hit the ground.

"A big shipment paraded by a southeast trader guild will be crawling it's way following a route across Dogfang Highroad headed for Market Alley the next three hours, I say we make use of my talents and take our pick from their packs then run. And when I say run, I mean fast." Ardro pointed out to Henri.

"You really love trouble so much huh, that you really got to dare and kiss it in the lips?" rebutted Henri. He was overexcited by Ardy that he forgot to tie his hair hung low behind his back. While the white streak of hair near his left temple shone dully.

"Have I shown you what I can do? I can kiss E's ass without her ever lifting a finger to her goons. There's just this wee bit of opportunity and we'll be sure to grab it this time Henri." Ardro answered willingly with a hint of mischief. This sly little fox, Henri thought.

Henrie weighted the chances of him surviving and getting the loot or him getting into trouble. Between two evils, he considered the two and said:

"So you'll be showing off kid? This Old Man's got brains and with a fast tool like you? We'll be robbing all day." Henri reassuredly told Ardro. He leaned on the wall with his back while his hands are in his jacket pockets.

Decidedly Ardro agreed to take him in on his scheme. Then immediately before the sun sets on Parajunk, the pair left heading to an abandoned old establishment called the Cellshop facing the Dogfang Highroad and waited inside the second level of the building.

"I almost fell down with that damned stairs Ardy, can you double-check where we step on next time?" Ardro laughed at Henri while he follows him to the second floor.

"Isn't my fault your eyes are too clouded Old Man. Bring your glasses next time." answered Ardy.

Ardro made a shushing sound with his index finger in front his lips. Immediately Henri took rein and steadily followed Ardro who was heading to a large room. The silence of the building's hollow body gave off an eerie melody in Ardro's ears, blood pumped in his guts as a scraping of wheels by an incoming truck gradually got closer and closer.


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