(1) Brown Eyes and Brown Hair

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"Alia, come on, you said you wanted to go to the club tonight, didn't you?" Ayerim asked.

"Well... yeah. I guess."

"Then get dressed. We didn't come down here to do nothing."


"I know you can't drink, you'll get kicked out of the military. But doesn't mean you have to kill my vibe." She chuckled as she took her shirt off.

I stood up from the full sized hotel bed and walked somberly over toward my suitcase.

I was super tired and didn't want to do anything since me and her just spent all day at the beach and had been shopping in the burning sun.

As I dug through my bag, Aye was already getting dressed. She was wearing a salmon colored skirt with a black tank top. She began to curl her hair as I finally found my outfit for tonight.

I took off my blue shirt and black shorts I had on and put on a long sleeved wrapped over grey crop top. It was a long V- neck that went down to where my cleavage was showing. It also looked like I was wrapped around me.

As for my bottoms, I wore a half long, half short black skirt. It was tight to fit my hour glass figure.

Walking toward the giant mirror that laid upon the wall, I looked at myself and made sure I looked decent.

"Oh my God, Lia? You look good." Ayerim said, standing next to me.

I was much taller then her, she was only about 4'11" and I was 5'6" therefore, making her super tiny compared to me.

"Thank you." I smiled, walking to the bathroom.

My makeup was sprawled along the white counter and I used Ayerim's curling iron.

Once I had gotten done with my hair and makeup, my long black hair was going down both of my shoulders, my hair was past breasts length and was just slightly underneath them. As for my makeup, I did a simple dark smokey eye to match with my dark eye color. This was the first time I had gotten dolled up since I enlisted and I actually felt good for that fact.

As I walked out of the bathroom, Aye was throwing on some salmon colored wedges and I grabbed my black wedges, putting them on.

"There's no way your going home single tonight." She laughed.

"Shush it. Like I told you, I'm not looking for anyone. I literally don't want anyone having to deal with me in the Marines. It's too hard to have a family."

"But the way you look tonight, I'm sure you're going to get hit on more then you want."

"You're talking? You look stunning. So be quiet."

She rolled her eyes at me and I strapped my heels on finally. As I stood up, I was now standing at about 5'9"/5'10" and was ready for the night.

Spraying some Be Joyful body spray by Bath & Body Works on, we walked out of the hotel room and were ready for the night.

When we got out of the taxi that took us to the club, the cat calling was already happening. She kept her head down and I tried to keep mine.

"Hey, black hair!


Girl!" A Mexican man yelled.

I continued to walk as quickly as I could, and once we got in line, we stood there patiently.

"It's been a while since I've been in a club." I said to Aye.

"I mean. You had B.T. like, last year. You weren't able to go anywhere. This is your moment to have some fun before you have to go back to hell."

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