(2) I Already Miss You

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My heart was racing as I sat down onto the black leather seat. My eyes kept flickering around to make sure nothing was iffy about the car or the surroundings.

I could feel his brown eyes gazing at me for a moment as he put the car into reverse and moved out of the parking lot, "You seem super nervous." He chuckled at me.

I put my seat belt on and nodded, "Just a little bit." I did a nervous chuckle back.

"There's nothing you need to worry about. I already know you could murder me if you had the chance."

In my head, all I could hear was That's what they say before you get murdered...

I nodded my head and looked at him nervously, "Sorry. I have some anxiety."

As the car rumbled onto the freeway, he shook his head and grabbed onto the stick shift with his right hand, "That's what the military does to you. You can never be too sure with anyone after you join."

After I had given him slight directions to the hotel me and Ayerim were staying at, he pulled into the parking lot and pulled up to the front of the hotel.

"Well, here's your destination." He did a cheeky smile.

Reaching for the car handle, I stopped myself and turned to him, "You're not gonna get down?"

"I didn't want to intrude on you and your friends final night here in Virginia, besides, I'm sure she doesn't want me in your hotel room anyways."

I smiled and pushed my black bangs out of my face, "Well, if you have that attitude, maybe not, but if you park your car and come in with me, then I'm sure she won't mind you staying for a few hours. It's only 1:30. The night has just begun."

Another glance at me and he nodded his head, "Stay down here and wait for me in the lobby while I park, alright?"

As I opened the car door, I swung my right leg out and then my left, putting both feet on the cement and getting out. Shutting the door as "elegantly" as possible, he drove off back into the parking lot and went up and down each aisle.

In the hotel lobby, I could feel the desk man's eyes going up and down me as I felt a little uncomfortable. I decided that it was the best to grab my phone and act like I was checking it. To my surprise, I had three missed calls and four text messages. All from Ayerim besides one phone call from my brother.

I unlocked my phone and tapped on the envelope that led me to my text messages where she had messaged me.

Alia! Answer your phone!

Dude... this guy is super hot, he keeps talking to me.

He came to the hotel with me, in super nervous. Please call me ASAP.

Liaaaaaaaa.... he just left and I got his phone number. When are you coming back?!?!?!?!

Glancing up from my phone, I saw Tyler's car still driving around in the parking lot, so I started typing back to her.

Dude, I am so sorry I haven't messaged you back. Tonight was CRAZY. You have no idea. I'm back at the hotel now.

I sent the text and not a minute later I got a text back.

Why aren't you coming up stairs yet then?

Another glance up from my phone and I didn't see Tyler's car, so he must've parked. I backed a little away from the door and started to walk toward the elevator before the desk clerk seemed concerned, "Ma'am. Is everything alright?" His voice was super friendly and sweet.

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