(3) Room for One More

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Eleven o'clock came around super quickly. It was miserable too. I was super tired and didn't want to get out of the bed at seven since I had taken a "power nap" for an hour.

Ayerim was up and ready to go by the time I was done doing my makeup.

"You're getting all dolled up to land in Denver?"

"You know I can't go anywhere without a face."

"Doesn't mean you need to do your makeup like a professional." She laughed.

Slipping on a black and white romper, I finished packing my bag, made sure I grabbed everything out of the bathroom and bedroom area, and as soon as I knew I had everything, we walked out of the room.

Arriving at the airport, we had made it quickly through security and made it to the gate we were leaving out of.

We sat down on the rows of chairs that were there and made sure that our carry on stuff was with us.

I looked down at my phone and surprisingly, I had a text from an unknown number.

Hey, Alia! It's Tyler.

A smile spread across my lips as I started typing.

Hey! We just made it to the airport and are gonna board in about twenty minutes.

Ayerim was looking over my shoulder nosily and smile with me, "You gave Tyler your number?!"

"Well, yeah? Why wouldn't I?"

"It's called a one night stand."

"Well... I think I like this guy."

"That's a shocker. You hate everyone."

I laughed at her. She was right. Every time a man would hit on me, I was just never interested. After I had gotten cheated on by my boyfriend junior year, I never trusted men since, but something about Tyler drew me in like a moth to a flame. It was something I've never felt before.

My phone vibrated and Ayerim's eyes quickly glanced down at my phone as I checked it.

Oh. Well, I don't want to bother you. Have a safe trip back to Colorado! Message me when you land, I wanna make sure you're alright :)

My face got super hot.

Alright. Thank you! And I will, I promise ;)

I closed my phone and put it into my rompers pocket. Looking at Ayerim, she laughed and smiled at me, "I'm so glad you finally found someone."

"Well, I've found someone. But he's in the military, he won't be able to stick around for a long time."

"It's better then you moping around all the time complaining that you have no one." She argued at me.

"I've never done that."

"Just two weeks ago you were complaining about how you were going to be single for the rest of your life and how God hated you. Look around you, Lia. You get hit on all the time, and guess what? You never notice. You've gotten so prone to flirting with guys that when they flirt with you, you brush it off like it's no big deal. Now that this... Tyler kid has come into your life, maybe you can stop and smell the damn roses for a second. Take a second to realize that you've been hit on for your entire life."

"Not in high school."

"Well, now that your out and have lost plenty of weight and in the military... tons of men swarm you and you don't realize it."

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