Ten Years Later.

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I was looking at the photo album with Brooke. "Mommy, how come I have a daddy and you don't?" I looked into my daughter's blue eyes. She was too smart for her own genes. "Well Brooke, your daddy is a great man. My daddy just hurt me and beat me, but your daddy makes sure that you're safe and that nobody lays a finger on you that you don't know." She smiled her front two teeth missing. She was only six years old, and was as beautiful as could be. I looked into the doorway of the living room to see my loving husband looking at us. "What are my two beautiful girls doing up this late." Brooke broke into fits of laughter as he came and picked her up. "Daddy! Stop it!" He laughed and I did too. He sat on the couch with her and I snuggled up to him, my head leaning on his shoulder. "Daddy, how did I get here?" I looked worriedly at Wade and he said, "With love and tender care." He kissed her nose and ran his hand through her long brown hair. She laid her head on his chest and we watched in amazement at how fast she fell asleep in her father's arms. Later, Wade took her to bed and laid her down in her small twin sized bed. As we left Brooke's room and went back to the living room I sat in his lap. "We made such a beautiful baby, Destiny." I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt that it was the right time to tell him. I looked into his eyes and said, "Remember when I got pregnant with Brooke and the doctor said that it would be impossible to get pregnant again?" He nodded looking at me quizzically. I smiled and whispered, "The doctor was wrong." I grabbed his hand and placed it on m belly. "I'm pregnant." His eyes grew wide. I smiled and he said, "You're pregnant?" I nodded and he kissed me. This is the end of how Cry Baby and I met, but our love has only grown stronger since Brooke was born. This was our love story.

JA18: HI GUYS!! This is it! But don't worry! I'm going to put the title of the Benny & Joon story and begin writing it tomorrow. I hope you guys loved this story!!

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