Chapter 21: Otogakure

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The twelve shinobi had made good time and had arrived at the Sound village with no problems. Unlike other villages Otogakure did not have a robust population. In fact pretty much everyone was either a shinobi or a slave. It was even more depopulated due to the recent invasion of Konoha and the free for all to determine who would make the best host for Orochimaru.

Jiraiya was behind the ANBU mask and gave out orders. Team seven was to move forward and advance into the village itself. Coming in from another angle the jonin team would also hit the village. They were dubbed team Sparrow. The ANBU team would follow a bit back from the two lead teams in between them. Their only purpose was to find out where Orochimaru was and take him down.

Jiraiya could feel Anko's nervous tension. 'I may have made a mistake including her. The modification to the seal containing her cursed seal will prevent Orochimaru from sensing her approach but she is too eager.' There was no time to make a change in plans so he would just have to hope it wasn't going to be a costly mistake.

Jiraiya watched team seven as they moved out with practiced efficiency. They kept their chakra levels low, soon they would be spotted but until then they moved with quite a bit of stealth. Naruto had left some clones behind with Jiraiya's squad, if need be Jiraiya could give orders to the clone who could then dissipate. Shibi had also planted a kikaichu on everyone which would allow him to know the direction of all members of each squad. The final communication piece was short wave radios in ear pieces that each of the strike team members had.

A voice crackled on the line, it was Kakashi. "Hostiles have spotted us, three chunin level threats, we'll take them down." Jiraiya forced himself not to come rushing in. At this point there was no danger but still it went against the grain to simply wait while others put their lives on the line.

'My time will come soon enough,' Jiraiya thought to himself.


With the team being spotted and the alarm being raised there was no point in Kakashi's squad to continue going forward with stealth. Naruto created fifty clones and had them Henge into various leaf chunin. They then charged forward with a variety of weapons in hand, kunai, katanas and other assorted weaponry.

The three chunin were massacred. Kakashi drove forward at top speed and jammed a kunai through the heart of one before dashing off and finishing the second one with a kunai through the neck. Sasuke finished the third in a sharp but very brief taijutsu duel that ended with Sasuke snap kicking the enemy shinobi in the ribs breaking them and driving a shard of bone into her lung. Sasuke then easily finished the kunoichi off with a kunai through her heart.

Sakura conserved her chakra; it would be much harder soon. Kakashi reported through his headset, "Threats neutralized. There is very little resistance to the clones. No sign of Orochimaru or Kabuto."

Unlike other villages Otogakure was partially underground. This is where Orochimaru housed his experiments and completed his research. Team seven breached the entrance; Naruto sent several clones in first to see what threats awaited. They triggered the first set of traps which sent explosions and shrapnel down the tunnel. The real team seven was far enough away that it was of no concern. Naruto again used the Kage Bunshin to scout ahead.

There were many twists and rooms in the sterile corridors. The place at times seemed abandoned. One Naruto clone heard heavy footsteps around the corner and skidded to a halt. Around the corner a massive Doki (Rage Ogre) swung its club aiming for the Naruto clone. The clone utilizing its superior speed dodged the club, drew its katana and sliced its belly open. Not yet defeated the creature snarled with pain and slammed its weapon down at his nimble opponent.

The Naruto clone far outmatched the Doki in speed. It was child's play to avoid the attacks. The clone carved the Doki up in the next ten seconds and then finished it with a partial decapitation in the neck. The clone heard clapping in the distance. "Pretty impressive for trash, now try handling two at once!" Tayuya was a member of the Sound Four and was quite irritated at the thought that someone would dare attack Orochimaru's base.

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