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- Bell -

"Bell, breakfast is ready!" JB shouted from downstairs. 

"Aresso, Oppa! I'm coming" I quickly walked over the bathroom and checked myself out, makeup... check...hair... check... uniform... check... phone... check... Awesome! Done, I'm starving. I ran down the stairs and jumped into one of the seats at the bar table we have in the kitchen.

"Bell, you know you could get hurt one of these days running down the stairs like that." Youngjae Oppa said sitting next to me munching on something. 

"Ya ya ya... whatever..." I responded watching Jr Oppa preparing my breakfast and lunch. I've told him I could do this by myself but he refuses to let me. 

"Morning Bellie" Jackson said giving me a quick hug and walking to his seat.

"Hey... um.. guys could I ask a question?" I asked shyly 

"Sure Bell, what's the question?" JB Oppa said and turned to look at me.

"Well... Couldmybestfriendcomeovertoday?" 

"Wait, Isabella, slow down." Mark Oppa said while putting his hand on my shoulders. I took a deep breath and said, "Could my best friend come over today?" They all looked at each other and it looked like they were talking to each other without saying anything. Then they all smiled and nodded while looking at me.

"Gomawo Oppas!" We all finished up our food and talked some more before we all had to leave. 

"Damn, I'm gonna be late!" I said looking down at my phone. 

"Alright bye Oppas! Have fun at the studio today!" I shouted 

"Aresso! Be safe!"

I put my shoes on and walked out the door. I got my headophones out of my pocket and put them in my ears and turned my music on... I'm playing, of course, my brothers, always... Started walking to school.. It was like a 5 min walk like always.

(At School)

"Mina! Im here!" I shouted and ran up to her and hugged her.

"Hey Bell! I'm glad you decided to wake up on time." She said rolling her eyes. 

"Well I was having breakfast with my brothers this morning and guess what?" I said jumping up and down.

"Ginja?! That's awesome! I was gonna be so bored today after school" Mina said laughing.

"Well could you probably sleep over? We need some girl time and its the weekend, and.... I also heard that the mall is having a huge sale!!!" 

"I know! I heard, we have to go. Also I heard that this weekend the weather is gonna be really nice so maybe we could swim in your pool." Mina said smiling.

"Yeah sure! We have to buy new bathing suits, mines old." I said 

"Aresso, alright lets head to class before our professor loses his head that were not there." Mina said.

(After School)

Mina and I walked home together. Talking and laughing. When we made it home I opened the door and shouted, "I'M HOME!!!!" 

"ALRIGHT!" BamBam shouted back. 

We walked upstairs to my room and started talking about things. Boys, school, my brothers, her brothers. But as we were talking I heard some whispering from the other side of my door. I told Mina to keep talking and I tip toed over to the door. I yanked it open to find all of my brothers listening to our conversation.

"Whatcha doing?" I asked leaning up against my door frame.

"Uh.." They all said and ran away

"Mina, we can't just let them get away with this information, let's get 'em" she smirked and we started chasing them.

"GET BACK HERE!" We shouted. We heard footsteps then it went slient.

"Where did they go?" I whispered to her

"I don't know, but I have a bad feeling about this though." She said kinda uneasy

"Lets see, 7 boys against 2 girls... we're gonna die." she whispered hiding behind me. I turned around to face her then my eyes went big.

"Mina, w-we need to run... NOW!!!!" I screamed and grabbed her arm to run, but we were to late. JB Oppa had a hold on my arm and Jackson Oppa had a hold on Mina's arm. 

"Where do you guys think you're going?" JB said smirking

"Oppa..... please don't kill us, we weren't going to do anything bad...." I begged 

"Mark Hyung, don't they look kinda sweaty, should we cool them off in the pool?" Yugyeom said smirking at us. Omo.... no. Mina and I looked at each other and cried for help. 

"Yeah they do look sweaty, what do ya think guys?" Mark Oppa said looking at all of the boys while we tried to escape their hold.

"NE!" They all shouted 

"ANI!" We shouted back. 

JB Oppa and Jackson Oppa picked us up and threw us over their shoulders.

"Oppas, jebal!" Next thing we know, we're in the pool. 

Thanks everyone for reading!! Hoped you enjoyed! Vote, Comment and share! <3 


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