° Jelly Beans°

230 14 1

"Harry, baby come down stairs!" Harry heard his mother shout from downstairs.
He lifted his head up from his extremely difficult spelling homework that he had received from his teacher, Ms. Valentine.

He liked his kindergarten teacher because she was nice, and her name reminded him of Valentine's Day, and he loved Valentine's Day because he gets to give people pretty cards with lots of candies. He loves making people happy on that special day, even if he pronounces it as 'Valentime's Day' and doesn't realize that the actual holiday is for lovers and such.

The young boy set his #no. 2 pencil on his homework desk, and raced down the stairs to see what his mother wanted.

"Hi mummy!"
"Have you finished your homework?" She asks him, and he reluctantly shakes his head no.
She chuckled lightly, but also gave Harry a look that meant he better get it done.

"It's really really really hard mummy! I don't know how to spell words that are longer than-three letters!" He whined and Anne placed a hand on her hip.
"Harry, if you can say words longer than three letters, you can write it out. Go upstairs and finish up your work. I have a little surprise for you, so come back down when you've finished up, okay?"

"Okie dokie!" Harry darted back up the stairs and into his room to finish up his spelling homework.

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"Mummy!! I'm finished!" Harry shouted, as he ran back downstairs, overly excited to know what his 'surprise' was.

"Good job, Harry! I knew you could do it, my love." She bent down to kiss his cheek, pressing a chaste kiss onto his cheek, causing the boy to squirm. "Ew! Wet!" He wiped his face repeatedly to dry his skin, and his mother smiled at him.
"Here, I'm guessing you've been waiting for this for a good bit. Enjoy, Baby." Anne reached into a cupboard and pulled out a fairly big bag full of purple and blue jellybeans.
Harry loved jellybeans, and blue was his favorite flavor, purple coming in as a close second. He took the bag from his mum's hands and threw his arms around her waist.
"Thank you so much!! I'm going to take them to school and eat them during recess!" Harry beamed, showing a smile big enough for his dimple to come through. "You're absolutely welcome Hare-bear. Now go wash up, I'm going to start dinner soon," Anne told his five year old son, and he nodded as he placed the bag of jellybeans on the dining table so he could wander into the restroom to go take a nice, quick bubble bath.
He's only supposed to put one squirt of bubble soap into the tub, but he usually puts five.
He didn't have to tell his mum that either.

゜☆ ゜・。。・゜☆ ゜・。。・゜

As Harry was getting himself ready for school the next morning, he made sure to stuff the bag of jellybeans into his backpack, along with homework, so he didn't get into trouble like the last time he had forgotten his homework. He had to miss two recesses to make it up, and he likes to play out on the playground.

Once he was all ready for school, he headed downstairs with his backpack hanging from his left hand.
"Good morning my beautiful Harry," his mum greeted him, and he flashed her a toothy grin.
"Hi mummy! I'm all ready for school," Harry beamed, and she smiled at him. "Your father is in the restroom freshening up a bit. He'll take you to school today okay?"
"Okie dokie!" He laced his arms through the straps on his backpack, and plopped himself onto the couch. As he waited for his dad, he kicked his legs into the air, for he couldn't touch the ground yet.

When he heard his dad come out of the restroom, he jumped right up off of the couch and ran over to the door, excited to head to school. Des chuckled and held the door open for his little lad to head out to the car.

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