Fake Friends ?¿

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That day at school, Harry had sat in his seat, kicking his legs around in the chair.
Louis hadn't shown up to school early, so Harry was alone during the 'recess' before class started. He figured that Louis was just late and so he waited for him happily.

And Harry was right, Louis did arrive late, but he looked extremely tired, and even Harry knew something was off.

Today Harry didn't take his proper seat. He secretly moved to the back of the class in a desk next to Louis'.
However, his teacher had caught him, ad sent him a look.

"Harry, please move back to you assigned seat," Ms. Valentine had slightly scolded, and Harry frowned.
"Can I please stay next to LouLou?"

"You can be near him at recess, Harry."

"I don't want him to be alone," he said softly, and Louis looked over at him with tired, baby blue eyes. Oh, how Harry loved his pretty blue eyes.

"Harry, please go back to your seat or you will miss your recess. I'm sure Louis will be fine," She told him, and Harry sadly, and slowly got up from the desk, and headed back to his original seat.

Harry had been planted into a bad mood for that morning, not bothering to raise his hand for answers like he normally did. He was mad at his teacher. All he wanted was to sit next to his Lou-bear.

゜☆ ゜・。。・゜☆ ゜・。。・゜

When the bell rang for recess, Harry darted out of the classroom and ran out to the grass to wait for Lou. After maybe four minutes or so, a smaller boy appeared next to Harry, and he sat down in the grass and sighed.

"Why did you want to sit next to me so bad?" He squeaked out.
"Because you're always alone LouLou, I wanted to keep you company!" Harry told him, and Louis nodded with a small smile.

"I also brought some more candy, it's just plain chocolate,"

"Okay," Louis said.

Harry pulled out a chocolate bar, and broke a piece off of it and handed it to Louis.

Louis took it and as he was about to put the chocolate into his mouth, he frowned and handed it back to Harry.

"I though you liked chocolate?"
"Not dark chocolate,"
"Oh," Harry placed the piece of unwanted chocolate into his mouth and chewed on it in content. Something about the bitter taste made Harry enjoy it a little bit more than the milk chocolate.

"Hey, LouLou?"
"Do you want to have a slumber party?"
"What's a slumber party?"

Harry grinned, "A slumber party is when two boys and sometimes more all go to someone's house to sleep over and play lots of fun games!" Harry said excitedly, and Louis' eyes widened.

"Is it for girls too?"
"It's for everyone!"
"Who would go to the slumber party?" The boy with oceanic eyes asked.
"Just me and you, Lou. Do you wanna? My mummy can call your mummy if you give me her number!"

"Okay," Louis said, as he scrambled for a piece of paper from his backpack and pulled out a pen. He sloppily wrote the digits to his mum's phone number and neatly folded up the paper, handing it to Harry.

"Thank you! Have you ever had a sleepover before?"

Louis shook his head.
"Oh, well we can have lots of sleep overs if you want! They're really fun and my mummy will love you," Harry states, and Louis can't help but smile.

He'd never been to a sleepover and he was more than happy to be able to experience his first with his new playmate, Harry.

゜☆ ゜・。。・゜☆ ゜・。。・゜

"Mummy!! Mummy!" Harry ran up to his mum once school was out and buckled himself into the car.
"Hi Harry, how are you?" She greeted her son and he smiled. "I'm really good!! I got Louis' mummy's number so you can call her and LouLou can have a sleepover with me!" Harry cheered, and dug into his pocket for the folded piece of paper. He handed it to his mum, and she took it in her hands. "Thank you, love. Did Lou like his chocolates?"

"No, he didn't like it because it was dark chocolate," Harry says, and Anne frowns.

"Baby, Lou hasn't accepted any of the candies you offer to him, do you think he wants to be your friend?"

"He accepted my pink starbursts and he sits with me during recess and stuff!" Harry says, slightly confused by what his mum meant.

"Harry, I know you like him, but are you sure he likes you too? Are you sure he isn't just using you for candies, love? I've spent a good amount of money on candy because you insist on making him happy, and I feel like you're getting the bad end of all of this?"

"Mummy are you trying to tell me that LouLou isn't my friend?"

"I don't know, Hare-bear," she sighs, and Harry's sad now. His mummy doesn't know Louis at all, he's just shy and quiet. He's just the boy who sits in the back of the class alone, Louis is the boy with pretty eyes and pretty paintings, Louis isn't the boy who uses people, and Harry refuses to believe it.

"You can't say that about him! Just 'cause he doesn't like a lot of candies doesn't mean LouLou isn't my friend! He likes to talk to me, even if he doesn't talk much, and he's really quiet, and even when he doesn't talk to me, he still hangs out with me because we're friends! I'm his only friend!" Harry says, and he is slightly angered now, because when Louis comes for a slumber party, she'll love him!

"I haven't heard about Niall in a good while, Harry. Isn't he your best friend? Now Louis is all you talk about," she claims, and Harry furrows his eyebrows.

"They're both my playmates! And Niall has Pezza and El and Zaynie, while LouLou has nobody," he says that last part more quietly, calming himself down so he doesn't say something that will get him into trouble.

"Mummy, please can you call Lou's mum? He's never had a sleepover before and I really want him to come,"

"Okay, Harry. I'll call his mum, but I make no promises,"

A/N : Louis is so tiny in my mind when I write this awe

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