!! Slumber Party!!

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Harry sat up in his room, finishing up his homework when his mum called him downstairs.

Harry darted down the stairs and he became face to face with not only his mummy, but two other people.

"Louis!" Harry smiled and ran over to the boy, throwing his arms around him. Louis smiled softly and hugged back carefully, and pulled away after a couple of minutes.

"Hi, I'm Jay," Harry watched as the woman greeted his own mummy. He assumed that Jay was Louis' mummy as well.

"I'm Anne, Harry's mother. I've honestly heard a lot about Louis, all great things of course!" Anne added, and Louis' cheeks got red.

The small boy pretty much hid behind Harry, since he was small enough to do so.

"Lou, don't hide, say hi to Harry's mum," she told him, and Louis peeked out enough and waved his hands as a shy 'hello'.

"Hi, Louis, I'm Harry's mummy, he told me you're not much of a talker am I right?"

Louis nodded, and Harry watched as the two interacted. He wanted his mummy to like Lou, he really did.

"Harry why don't you show him up to your room so Jay and I can get to know each other for a bit, yeah?" Harry nods, and heads up the stairs, with a small Louis trailing behind him.

゜☆ ゜・。。・゜☆ ゜・。。・゜

"Do you like my room Lou?"
Louis nods, taking it all in. The walls were painted a light blue, and there was a twin sized bed with black sheets and a black duvet covering the mattress. His room had a work desk, and it overall was pretty basic for a five year old boy's room. But Louis liked it, he didn't like a lot of things, but Harry's room was something to enjoy.

"Do you like pizza, Lou?"
Louis nods.
Who doesn't like pizza?

"Okay good, because my mummy is ordering pizza tonight, I hope you don't mind,"

"I don't," Louis responds, and Harry just smiles. Louis was so simpleminded, yet so complex. Even though Harry had no idea what the word 'complex' even meant, he had heard his dad use it before so he just took a wild guess.

゜☆ ゜・。。・゜☆ ゜・。。・゜

Anne called the boys down for dinner, and Louis darted out the door. Harry got up as well, but panicked when he heard a loud thud followed by small cries.
Harry rushed down the stairs to see Lou on the floor.
He had fallen down the stairs.

"Lou, you're really clumsy," Harry sat down on the ground and Louis revealed a bruise that already took color on his knee.

"It hurts 'arry, make it stop!" He cried, and Harry immediately knew what to do.
He leant his head down to Louis' bruised up knee and kissed it a few times in hopes of taking the pain away.

"Better Lou?"
"S-still hurts," Harry looked at the purpling bruise, and kissed it again, and looked back up at Louis.

"Are you boys okay? I heard a loud noise!" Anne rushed over to them and glanced at Louis who was holding his knee.

"What happened here?" She questioned and Harry shrugged.

"I Uhm..I f-fell down the s-stairs, I'm really sorry, please don't get mad at me! It was an accident!!"

Harry had never heard Louis talk so fast before, and the boy was beginning to tremble.

"LouLou, don't shake! Mummy isn't mad at you."
"o-okay," Louis stuttered, and Anne took a new perspective of the boy.
But then Louis started to tremble even more and Anne crouched down to meet eyes with Louis.

"I'm s-sorry for talking s-so much, I won't say as much Im really sorry, I'm not a g-good kid I'm sorry," Louis rambled and Harry was very sad.
Sad for LouLou.

"Louis, why are you apologizing for being talkative?" Anne asked, and Louis looked down.

"My daddy always gets mad at me for talking too m-much and he hits me but I deserve it for being a bad boy,"

"Harry, do you understand what Louis just said?" Anne asked, and Harry nodded sadly.

"Here, why don't you boys go upstairs and take a quick nap. You can eat once you're all settled down, I need to make a phonecall," Anne mumbled, and Harry nodded, helping Louis up.
The two boys headed upstairs and Harry shut his door behind him.

"LouLou, where does your daddy hit you?"
"Lots of places, and it hurts 'arry."
"Does your mummy kiss it better?" Louis nods hesitantly and Harry feels a little bit better.

"He always gets mad at me, Hazza. I'm a bad boy and he doesn't love me," Louis murmurs and Harry hugs Louis gently.

"You're not bad, LouLou! You're my best friend and I love you!"

"You're my best friend too," Louis whispers, and yawns.

Harry finds himself becoming drowsy, so he climbs into his bed. Louis just stands there, unaware of where to nap, so he just curls up on the floor with no pillows or blankets.

After fifteen minutes or so, Louis is passed out, but Harry's still awake and so he glances at the uncomfortable position Louis must be in.
He gets out of bed and barely manages to pick up Louis and put him in his own bed.
Harry doesn't want his Lou to be uncomfortable, he tucked him in under a warm blanket as well.
Harry climbed back in bed next to Louis, and brought his friend closer, and snuggled him into his chest, just to keep Louis extra warm.
Harry soon found himself falling asleep, and as they slept, they had no idea that Anne had been watching them cuddle together at such a young age.
And then she knew Louis wasn't using Harry. He was probably too young to understand what it means to use someone else, but he did understand friendship.
Louis and Harry had a friendship that would more likely spark into something more later on in the future, but as of now, Louis was Harry's baby, because Louis was small, almost as small as a toddler. And Harry, was Louis' safe place, his happy place, because Harry took his pain away. Louis needed Harry, even if he always offered him nasty candies.

A/N: this is so fluffy I'm cryInG

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