Chapter 7

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     The light/mist died down and there stood Lucy and Levy.

     "Lucy, Levy, is that you?" The guild was in shock.

'Once the mist dies down, everyone will be afraid of me and hate me'

     The light around Lucy dies and reveals her golden halo floating in her head and angel feather wings. Warm golden light surrounded her body and a heavenly aura can be felt around her. Everyone stared in awe.

     'Maybe I should stay in my mist. It's better if I don't scare everyone.'

     "Oi bunny girl. What's taking Shrimp so long in there?" Gajeel asked. I see Lucy turn towards my direction. "She's scared." The guild looked confused. "Where she's from, everywhere she went, she was feared and was being hunted down constantly." Lucy reaches her hand to me, but I shrunk back. "It's OK Levy. No one will hate you." I wanted to believe her so badly, but I was still afraid. "Come on Levy, the guild isn't going to wait all day." She was begging me to come out at this point.

     'Fine Lu-chan. Only because you're not letting go.' The mist around me grows darker and darker until it was a shade of midnight blue. The mist shrinks smaller and smaller until it explodes outwards. Everyone shielded their eyes.

     Once they opened their eyes, I knew that they were in shock. I had my black devil horns with black lace protruding out of my head and my black feather wings were spread out. Cold blue flames surrounded me and also a death aura. I can see people recline back in fear. I looked down dejectedly.
    'I knew it. I'm always going to be alone.'

     "I don't get it. Why are you people scared? I think she looks cute like this."


     "Yeah, I don't get it. Why are you guys scared of Levy, even though you've known her forever?" Natsu asked. The guild looked at each other with shame.

     "So, who are you guys really?" Gajeel asked.

     "Well," Lucy said. "You guys know that I'm the daughter of Layla and Acnologia. Levy, on the other hand, was the daughter of a fallen angel and Lucifer himself. We're sisters from different families." The guild looked shocked and confused at the same time.

     "Let me explain." I stepped up. "Having  to wield all magic is too hard for one person to control, so the power is split into two people, me and Lucy. We each control half the light and dark magic. It's like Yin Yang. Light supports the dark, and vice versa. Every time one of us in trouble, the other one will get a vision of what they are facing. It's complicated to explain, but it's similar to Sensory Link."

     The guild finally understood, and Gajeel stood up and walked up to me. He takes his hand and lifts up my face until I was staring into his eyes. His face furrowed and says, "I don't get it. How could anyone hate and fear her? Just look at her. She's so pure and cute."

     My face flushed a bright red. "G-Gajeel," Lucy giggled at the scene. "Aww, Gajeel. Are you and Levy, you know, together?" Gajeel and I stepped away from each other and our hands reached to the sides of our neck.


My babies! They're growing up so fast!

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