Ch 41: three

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Rick's P.O.V

"Happy Father's Day!" Shouts and pots banging from around the room made me jump from my sleep, to find Judith jumping up and down on the bed and Carl and Michonne banging pots and pans and screaming  like 7 year olds.

Bless them...

"I'm up! I'm up." I exclaimed, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

"Daddy Daddy Daddy Daddy!" Judith exclaimed through jumps.

"Judith get down before you hurt yourself."

She continued to jump, not paying me any mind so I yanked her up and pretended to suplex her but instead I softly placed her on the bed.
She bursted out in giggles and Carl ran over and began tickling her.

I sat up and put my feet on the floor when Michonne ran over and plopped down on my lap, and anxiously wrapped her arms around my neck.

"Happy Father's Day Rick!" She placed a soft, long kiss on my lips and stared at me for a second.

"Thank you," I smiled, staring at her like I'd never loved as much as I did in this moment-- when she was all over me just because.

She then kissed me once more on my lips, and then on my nose, and then my cheek, and then my forehead and next thing I knew, she was on top of me planting endless kisses all over me while I laughed uncontrollably.

Carl still tickled Judith, which meant --- every one in the room was laughing...For once.

"Oh dad! I have a surprise." Carl said hopping up.
When he ran out the room, Michonne got up too and straightened herself out.

"Those were great kisses." I smiled

She wiped her lips and panted for air while looking over me like she had just beat me up or something.

"I love you, Rick Grimes."

Hm, she's acting awfully strange this morning. She almost never shows sudden bursts of affection, It's always me, and she's never this happy so early in the morning?

"I love you too, what's wrong?" I asked, sitting up and grabbing Judith.

"N- nothing. Just glad to be married to you." She smiled

OH YEAH. Something's up..

"Okay," I shrugged

Suddenly, Carl trailed back in the room with a small tape in his hand.  He had a smile so wide across his face when he handed it to me..

I read the label across it and ---------

"DOLLY PARTON!?" I jumped up

I pulled my son into a hug and squeezed him tightly, "Thank you!" I  exclaimed

"It's no problem dad, you deserve it for how much you do for us."

He pulled away and pat me on the back as I admired the tape in my hand.
Boy,  I can't wait to hear these sweet tunes.

"Well we'd better get dressed and head over to Abraham and Sasha's." Michonne said quickly

"Why?" I asked, confoundedly.

"Fathers day gathering." She said, walking out the room.

"I don't wanna goooo," I sighed

"You have to." Carl smiled


"You'll see."

And then he left me in the room wondering what the hell that meant.
What is going on today?

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