Chapter 6: hello...

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Chara's POV:
I looked at the doors till I found the class room that said 'JK and SK' on the door.
I opened the door to see some children siting on a matt in front of a teacher.
"Please sit down" she said rudely looking me in the eyes.
"Ok~" I sang happily sitting down.
"Now everyone come up and introduce your self, starting from the left side."
A boy stood up, went to the front and said "hi my names Jim."
Then a girl went and said her name was Sally, and so on.
Then it was my turn. I jumped up happily and stood at the front
"Hello! My name is Chara, nice to meet you" I closed my eyes and waved.
Jim started to cough "demon" he said in between coughs.
Everyone started to laugh, but I just stood there confused.
At lunch I went to sit with the rest of the kids but they just moved away from me.
Then at outside time the boys pushed me around, when the girls laughed.
At the end of the day I realized something, I don't like school.

Chara's moms POV:
When I went to pick up Chara she had a huge bruise on the arm, when I asked her what happened she told me that the boys were pushing her around and she hit a wall, and every one called her a demon.
Who knew JK's and SK's could be so cruel.

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