Hello again, Earth

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Again, the magic cloud transported you back to Earth. Everything was normal, building were fine, humans were there... even the crater had dissapeared. Your wings were inside weird, long metal things with the shape of the part of the wings that is sticking to your back, but with an infinite space inside. They were strapped on, and were itchy. You didn't want to scratch it, but it was TOO itchy. You also had a big hat, covering the halo. You started searching around the city, and found a building with no doors called "Natas Inc." You read it backwards, and knew who was in there... you screamed "LOOK! A BEAR!" Everyone ran away, letting you uncover the wings and inspect the top. There was a trapdoor.

Inside, there was darkness. Pure darkness. But, suddenly, you heard a disturbing voice you easily identified as his:

-Look who didn't read the whole "soulogy" book. You should know i can see in the dark!

You floated in the air. Then, you could see again! But... you were in HELL.

-Oh, hello there! I thought that would wake you up.

You looked at the knife he had in his hand. It had white blood on it. He showed you a pair of cut wings.

-I thought you didn't need these anymore, so i cut them off.

You started feeling the pain. You felt hatred. Rapidly, you threw the dagger at his face. He was suprised and couldn't dodge it in time, but put his left hand in the way. It turned into smoke. You ran away, but he went after you. You tried to fly, but you remembered you didn't have wings anymore. All you had... was a lipstick. A pink one. You made it as long as you could, and ran back towards him. When you got there, you felt a terrible pain on the left side of your waist. When you looked, he had stabbed you. He moved to the right... and cut your legs off. Meanwhile, you had stabbed him in the other arm (the one he stabbed you with) and cut it off, before he could kill you. Again. You both fell back, one with no hands, the other no legs. At the last second, before a teletransporting cloud covered you, you saw a devil drag him away.

The cloud faded and you saw God putting robo-legs on you. You had legs again.

-We can't give you robo-wings. They work via magic, and it is too complex. Only the universal balance can make them.

-Wait. Universal balance?

-He's like the god of the multiverse. He controls all with the power of timelines! Like, for example, it's impossible for you to throw that rock at that simbol.

You threw the rock at the simbol, but an angel just entered and got hit in the head. So there is a god between dimensions. Interesting.

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