The God Amongst Gods

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God told you to follow him. He showed you an empty room with a big metal circle on the wall.

-That is a portal. We will go through it and meet the past Universal Balance. The current timeline one is really difficult to access. Only Hell has that technology.

-Can we call the Universal Balance the UB?

-Yes, if you want to.

God pressed a button and the center of the circle went white. You and god went in and appeared in a completley white place, with a gigantic human with a gigantic beard. He looked at you and said:

-Before you say anything, is my humanoid form working?

-Y- yes...

-Goody! Now, why exactly are you here?

God flew up to his face and said:

-We have a problem. Satan has declared war again and is trying to destroy heaven and conquer our multiverse. What shall we do?

-Oh, not again. Let me do something... -he pulled out a phone and started talking- will the current war be dangerous? What?! Oh no.

He made the phone dissapear and made a weird thing with his hands. God looked scared, and pulled you out the portal. It closed automatically behind you... God, scared, sat down and started explaining.

-Look, once in every 100 years, two people get to be "freemen". They can break what the timelines say, and can change the future. You can't. For example, i am one. I can throw the rock at the simbol. You are a normal being, so you can't. And Satan is a freeman.

-Oh no...

-Exactly. Oh. No.

God stood up, and touched your forehead.

-You can now create shields. Imagine a magical shield is surrounding you.

You did, and a half-transparent shield covered you. You and god went to hell through one of those portals you have used many times and walked to the castle Satan lives in. God knocked on the door and shielded himself. You shielded yourself, too. Satan opened and got very suprised.

-Oh. Now that i wasn't expecting.

God pointed at what was behind Satan.

-We have talked about reactors, Satan. You can't suck power from suns.

-But who cares? Im gonna destroy them after with a laser, anyways...

-Satan, have you started the global domination? Already?

-Yes. And know what i also started?

-No, Satan. I don't.

-Your death.

Satan shielded himself, but with a darker shield. He moved towards God and his shield fused with God's. Before God could react....

Satan had stabbed God in the stomach. And God turned into magic sparkles.


-Oh yes. He's dead. And now... you are the new god. And don't go celebrating... that's a bad thing.

He tried to kill you too, but you moved out of the way.

-Oh, come on, let me kill you! You decided to not ally me. It's your fault! Accept it.

You grew your wings back. Before questioning it, you flew up and screamed:


-Satan stopped fighting and looked down for a second. He suddenly started going weird and made your eyes hurt. They looked like some kind of glitch. He said, with a glitching, repeating voice:


His whole body started going weird. The same way than his horns. His voice now was so glitched, you could only hear repeating screams in different tones each time. Scared, you decided to go back through the portal. You realized that he hid his evil, twisted and traumatized self behind a funny prsonality. It was clear that he was utterly insane.

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