Go In Yourself

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You were not letting your friend go. You had known him from long, long ago, and this wasn't going to be a missed opportunity. Plus, his soldiers must be off reinforcing Earth. What could possibly go wrong and murder you? You got out of the control tower, ordering someone to take your place. Outside, you walked to the military center closest to you and took a small chip which you stabbed into the top of your head. It healed rapidly, aided by the chip, sticking itself inside. You changed into a dark brown-haired devil as you grabbed stolen documents and put them in a wallet, taking it with you. Then, you walked into a room that said "Important locations". Here, there was a portal to hell. You activated it using your fingerprint, and walked in.

You appeared in a dark corner of an empty, and very small apartment. You went outside and walked down some really long stairs, to finally get to the bottom. Outside were lots of soldiers and citizens walking around, along with some military vehicles, since citizens aren't allowed personal vehicles. In the distance, you saw a tall and big building with the big flag of hell painted all over it. That was probably the prision, judging by the fact that it was surrounded by soldiers and all the doors had strange turrets in front of them.

When you arrived at the door, the turrets both pointed at your head. A guard looked at you and said:

-Stop right there! Who are you and what do you want?

The stolen documents said that you were a soldier named George that was 52 years old as a human and as a devil. You showed them to the guard and he opened the doors to let you pass.

When you entered, you saw hundreds of guards walking around the place, all with golden badges that read "Soldier #(Number)", which made you stand out a bit. A devil with a badge that said he was a worker walked up to you and stuck a badge with a soldier number to you. He then walked into a room with some other workers that were apparently tending to a farm of some strange worm thing in lots of grass plots. You walked onwards. On your way you found a shelf with a book. You grabbed it and read that it's title was "Prisioners". On it, your friend was number 20890. You walked over there and found an angel sitting on his bed, looking at the wall. You looked around and opened the cell door.

He looked back, with a stare full of hate.

-What do you want.

-(YFN), it's me! (YN)!

-Wait, really?

He stood up, his eyes widening in suprise.

-I thought... I thought you were gone.

-I don't know how to get you out. Maybe...

You kneeled and knocked on the floor. It sounded hollow. A faint voice was also heard. You noticed something was in your pocket. It was a strange multitool, a bit like a swiss army knife (But larger), but the tools were nowhere to be seen. There was some buttons with writing on them. One of them said "Laser". You pointed at the wall and turned it on, making a black dot on it. You then pointed it to the floor and cut a circle off of it, falling on the head of a devil missing a horn. Oh no, wait, the horn just cracked off from the metal roof/floor falling on his head.. He had died, luckily.

You and your friend jumped down, the corpse below making a disgusting crackle sound, a bit like a bag of sand being squished. It was a dimly lit room, with a bulky metal door. It had a visor on it, closed. Outisde, footsteps were being heard. You rapidly Burned a hole into the back wall, which gave you access too:

Dirt! You digged through it using the holographic shovel the multitool had generated, and once there was enough space, you let your friend in and put the wall back in, solding it together with the laser. Just as you finished, you heard the door open. The guard gasped and ran, and then a really loud alarm was heard. A speaker yelled "Level 1 lockdown! Check the cells! NOW!". You hastily digged more, eventually reaching another wall. You put you ear to it, and... what you heard wasn't good. It was him.

He was apparently negotiating with some other empire, talking about the buying of some WMD. You slowly backed away, but your friend tripped on a rock and fell to the ground. This made a really loud sound, that echoed throuh the whole tunnel. He instantly cut the communication and you heard him walk up to the wall. You held your breath, trying to be as silent as possible, and...

-Eh, it was probably a rat.

And with that, he turned around and went back to the call.

You continued digging, but to the right, untill you broke in to a room with a water pump. You noticed that it said "Apartment pump". You were back! So you walked up a LOT of stairs, and finally arrived to the room you had left. You entered the room and...

Everything went black.

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