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Sitting in the lounge room watching TV while Elle is asleep in my arms and Alex is playing with his blocks.

I hear the door open and it's the guys.
Jessie-shush Elle has just fell asleep and Alex is playing so shut up
Dad-sorry hun how is she anyways
Jessie-fine and kyle come take her I'm gonna go have a shower then nap
I have him Elle and I walk to my bathroom and get in the shower.

Kyle pov

I look down at Elle and think wow I'm only 18 and I have 2 beautiful kids and a wonderful fiance, can it get any better than this

I see that Elle is waking up so I get up and walk to the kitchen and heat her bottle up and while I was waiting adela came in and said
Adela-here let me take her and feed her , I need some quality time with my god daughter and I will get can to help. I hand her to her and walk upstairs to join Jessie in the shower.

Adela pov

I get the bottle and walk outside to see the guys playing basketball, while feeding little Elle. I see Aaron walk up to me
Aaron l-hey how's my niece
AAdela-she is good aren't you, your just hungry and Aaron can u get Cameron so he can help
Aaron- sure OH CAM COME HERE
Adela-really ( rolls eyes)
Cameron-hey baby girl and hi my beautiful god daughter/ niece
Adela - how about you come inside with me and help me watch her and Mads and Jack can watch Alex
Cam-sounds good, let me get jack
He runs off while I go back inside and I see mads on the couch with Alex on her lap watching Barney and o go sit next to her and I see Elle looking at me smiling.

Cameron pov
I run out to the court
Cam- come on Jack we are going inside and spending time with our god children
Jack-sure, cya guys
Everyone says bye and we walk in and see the girls with the kids on there laps watching barney. We walk up to them and take the little ones and hold them, while our girlfriends have naps and there parents upstairs sleep.

A/n sorry haven't been updating been busy with exams

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