Chapter 11. Distrust

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A/N: The next few chapters will be a lot longer than my others. I'll post up a short update passage to go into further detail about my reasons why.

-Your P.O.V-

"What was that about. . . ?"

"W-well uh. . ."

You stared down the Demon King. Your (Eye color) orbs piercing his blood red eyes. Your stare intensified as you watched the male attempt to avert his eyes.

"Maou. . . . "

"It's nothing, ______. We just had someone bugging us awhile back and I thought it might have been him again..."

You raised an eyebrow and sighed, shaking your head in disapproval. You moved Urushihara's arm away from you and stood up, turning towards the door. The purple haired boy quickly stood and reached out towards you.


"Let me go, Urushihara. If that's the story that Maou wants to with then so be it. I don't want to cause trouble for you guys. I'll take my leave then."

"Hey cone on, _____."

You ignored the voice of the dark green haired demon king and headed towards the door, opening it and stepping outside. You shut the door behind you and headed down the stairs, not stopping as you heard the door swing open behind you. Nor the footsteps coming down the stairs. You did stop once you were spun around and facing a pair of deep amethyst eyes. You narrowed your own eyes and pulled your hand away from his. However, you were unable to do so due to the iron grip that he had on you.

"Let go of me, Urushihara!"

"________, you need to calm down!"

"No! I will not!"

The teen narrowed his eyes and kept his grip tight on you, unconsciously tightening it further. You widened your eyes and began to pull at his fingers to loosen his hold, wincing slightly as his hand began to hurt yours.

"Urushihara! Stop it! You're hurting me!" 

The fallen angels eyes went wide, his hand instantly releasing yours as he took a few steps away from you, mouth slightly open. He looked down at his hand for a moment then back towards you, who was holding your wrist.

"I-I. . . I'm sorry..."

You gave him a small nod, taking a step back and turning, running off towards your apartment, your thoughts a blur.

-Urushihara's P.O.V-

'What. . . What did I just do. . . '

I slowly turned around, my eyes still wide and my mouth open. I walked back towards the apartment, feeling as though I were in a daze. I slowly walked back, moving up the stairs and into the unit. I blankly walked to the small desk I inhabit and sat down, laying my head down on the cool wooden top and closing my eyes. My hands fell to my sides and I let out a small sigh.

"We need to tell her. . . ."

I heard two gasps at my comment and suddenly felt a grab at the back of my shirt, pulling me up and I turned my head to face Maou.

"What is it. . . ."

"Are you serious right now, Urushihara?!"

"Yes. . . . I'm serious. ."

"Why the hell would you think that's a good idea?"

"Because. . . . She's hurt now. . . She probably doesn't trust me. .us, anymore. . I. . .I hurt her. . I don't know why. . She was trying to get away and I just. . Hurt her. ."

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