Broken Wings: Sequel?

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-Third Person P.O.V-

Feathers fell to the ground far below, the soft beating of wings the only sound filling the air. He smiled, the rush of wind in his face an exhilarating feeling. His General coat billowed behind his figure, the sleeves swaying in the breeze he created as he flew. Suddenly coming to a stop, he remained stationary, his wings moving every few seconds to keep him in the sky's embrace. His amethyst eyes focused down below him at the castle that loomed over the land, casting its ominous shadow over the sprawling ground.

This was his home. Strange as it was. He grinned, opening his wings up and shooting upwards, the wind whipping him harshly as he burst through the clouds, a rare laugh of joy tumbling from his mouth, his voice the sound of bells, wonderful and full of pure, honest joy and pleasure. The feeling of weightlessness, being able to go anywhere at any time, the feeling of flying was like nothing he had ever experienced. Even thousands of years after his first time flying, the feeling still excited him. He turned and twisted, his body moving gracefully in the air as his jet black wings carried him further onward. Spreading his arms out to his sides, he shut his wings, allowing himself to fall towards the ground. With eyes closed, his ears picked up the sound of wind rushing past them. Opening his eyes up, his wings burst open, his body curving as he shot back up towards the sky in an almost 'U' shape. Continuing to move with the grace of a dancer, he flipped, spun, soared, and danced in the sky with wings of black.

Jetting up towards the clouds once more, that rare smile still on his face, he barely saw it hurtling towards him. Colliding with his body at a high speed, the blast of magic ripped the smile off of his face, a yell of horror slipping through his lips as the agonizing pain in his left wing seared into his mind, his body plummeting to the ground once more. But this time, there would be no recovery. Closer and closer the ground grew, rushing up with open arms to meet his body.

Too scared to yell, he could only watch as the ground grew closer. He turned his back, reaching a hand out and stretching it out towards the sky. He strained to reach it, hoping that maybe the moon would extend her hand out and bring him back to her. All he saw though, was his once beautiful sky growing farther and father from reach. Shutting his eyes quickly, he tensed his body, waiting for the collision to rock his body. For the darkness to overcome his mind.


Guess who's back? Back, back, back again?! ME!!!! Whaddap, I'm Lili, I'm 17, and I definitely learned how to read. Yay, my puns and jokes too. Somebody call the comedy police. The jokes are too funny. But if you call the police, I'm calling the weed-- Okay, this needs to stop. But anywhooziesssss, I'm back! With maybe a sequel. I've got several questions for you guys that I do need answered if this is going to happen.
1) Are at least three of you interested in a sequel? (No offense but as a writer, I do need to know people will read my work. That and sometimes, sequels aren't needed and work should be left as is)
2) Are you guys willing to wait a bit in between updates? I'm in high school as a junior and it's getting tough now with this year almost over. I've got internships and other things taking time so updates will be very sporadic.
And finally
3) If I do a sequel, do you want it focused more on Reader and Urushihara's life in the human world, or back to Ente Isla? (I have notes and ideas for either route)

That's all for now, guys! Maybe I'll see y'all soon! Thanks for all the comments and votes you've given this book. It really does mean the world to me!

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