Hello Everyone

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Hey all. Lili again. I know I haven't updated this story in ages. I'm so sorry about this. I've just gotten back from a week at camp and a half week with my dads family. That was a nuthouse in and of itself. In two days time I'm going to England so I'll be full there as well. I know you all know this already but still. I'm currently writing things up. Since there are only Three Chapters left in this story, I'm making them incredibly long. I hope you guys can excuse my absence here on Wattpad. I hopefully will have something for this Fic up in the next few weeks. Thank you all for continuing to read and vote on this work. I can't tell you how much it means to know people are enjoying my writing. I can't believe this is at nearly a thousand views! It's simply mind boggling! Thank you guys! As a heads up, I have an Animo Space account that has more writings I do. My name on there is "Kuro". Feel free to check it out if you want. And with this! See you all in the near future!!!!
                                   -Lili ☆♪

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