And my heart went Boom!

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"Hey Meghan?" I hear from behind me I turn around and see Charlie standing there. I look into his brown dreamy eyes my heart goes boom every time I see him "Meghan!" I jerk "Yeah sorry" "Oh it's no problem I just wanted to ask ummm.... do you like wanna go to.. to get a pizza? As he says the words pizza my eyes light up "HELL YEAH!! I'll just get into comfier clothes" "Okay I'll meet you outside in the parking lot 10" "Okay sure thing!" I say and we both walk into our dressing rooms


Charlie's Pov:
As i'm waiting outside in the parking lot near my car I check my instagram for posts and notifications I love looking at posts from fans their captions "Hey Charlie!" I feel a pat on my back which makes me jump I turn and I see Meghan standing in black jeans and a black t-shirt "Oh Hey Meghan you almost made me jump! Anyway ready to go?" "I'm always ready for pizza!" She says we giggle and head to the pizza shop.


A/N: Hey Marlie shippers! I'll it's really late so I'll be updating tomorrow morning. I hope you enjoy the story till now. Good Night!!

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