The magical kiss

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Charlie's POV:

I come out of my dressing room, and I walk towards the director, while I'm speaking I see Meghan coming out of the room 'Ohhh that booty' I think to myself, as I keep staring at her she comes closer and snaps her fingers in front of my face "Char! What ya lookin at?" She says "A-at your b-booty" I say in a really soft voice. "At my what?" "Ah nothing" "oh come on Char!" "Okay I'll tell you.. "Yay!!" "But later" I say while the director gives me a pretty creepy smile😏.

Meghan's POV:

"Okay here is the script" he hands the script to me and Charlie. We look through the script and I literally almost jumped out of my skin when I saw the last line, I looked at him, he gave me the same WTF look "Umm Meghan and Me? Kiss?!" He said "Yea sure why not?" "Why Not?! really?!" How can I kiss him?! "Like how you kissed your previous boyfriends" "Wait how did you know that we are dating?!" Charlie said "Wait what?! You guys are dating?! Cool! It will make it more natural! Now get ready we are about to start filming" the director said and walked away, Charlie and me just looked at each other not knowing what to say, "Ugh, I'm... I'm doing to-to get my make up done" I said, and walked away, we have kissed before just not in public, with Emmy, Jojo and another million people watching or going to watch.😳

Marlie-ing AroundWhere stories live. Discover now