Chapter 1 : Start Of Something New

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September 9, First day of school, Jacob Lee High School.

James : Just arrived at my new school. HOOLLLLAAAAA

Kinda excited about first day but, i'm kinda nervous about it. 

I was at my classroom waiting for our teacher to arrive. 

When i was waiting, my classmate who is sitting at my backed poked me and said,

Dani : Hey, classmate! What's your name?

James : Oh! my name is James. I'm a new student. How about you? What is your name?

Dani : My name is Dani. I'm also a new student. So can we be friends? Haha

James : Sure!

When James & Dani are chit chatting, a girl got into the room and yelled,

Lauren : DANI!!!

When Lauren shouted Dani was shocked, Dani didn't expect someone to know her. Then she looked at Lauren. and said,

Dani : OH MY GOSH! Lauren is that you?!

Lauren : Yes! Haha

Dani : Why are you here? Don't tell me your studying here? Uhuh! Uhuh!

Lauren : Yes! I'm studying here!

Dani : Oh! well hello there Couz or should i say, classmate. Haha

Lauren : So is that your friend?

Dani : Oh yes. Lauren meet James. 

James : Hey Lauren!

Lauren : Hey! :)

Meanwhile, Mr. Johnson arrived. and said

Mr. Johnson : Good Morning Class! I am your teacher.  

Since it's first day of school, you should introduce your self in front of the class! let's start with you!

She pointed at Lauren,

Lauren : Me?

Mr. Johnson : Yes, you young lady.

Lauren : Oh! My name is Lauren, I am 15 years old. I like to sing, dance and going to the beach and my favorite colors are blue and yellow.

Mr. Johnson : Oh! Next!

After everybody was introduced Mr. Johnson checked the attendance and he enumerated the names of the students one-by-one. and he said

Mr. Johnson : Oh! Who knows Robiegayle? She's absent on the first day? What a lazy kid.

When Mr. Johnson was talking, the bell suddenly rang! and that means, it's break time! :)

James , Dani & Lauren went to the cafeteria. while they are walking, There are a bunch of Senior Students staring at them and Lauren noticed it and said to Dani

Lauren : Dani! those senior students kept looking on us! what are they up to?

Dani : Just don't mind them, maybe they are just jealous.

James : Yeah! your right Dani.

So, they continued to walk through the cafeteria.

When they reach in the cafeteria, they bought a burger and fries and ate at the cafeteria. James said,

James : I love burgers, hahaha

Lauren : Me too.

Dani : I love everything. Hahaha

They all laughed at the same time.

The break was over, everybody were back at there classrooms.

Except with Brandon.

*@The Classroom*

Mr. Johnson : So we're having half day classes today, So goodbye students.

After their dismissal, the three of them walked out together. Lauren said,

Lauren : James, where did you live?

James : Oh I live at San Carmelo Subdivision.

Dani : Are you joking?

Lauren : We also live there. What a coincidence.

James : Great! Hahaha

Dani : Wanna come home with us?

James : Sure! That would be great.

Lauren : This is going to be fun!

Dani : Ya ya!!

James : Hahaha

They went home together.


First chapter of this book.

Hollllaaaaa (:

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