Chapter 14 : Bloody Date

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Robiegayle woke up by a text message from Nash saying,

Nash : I'll pick you up at 6:30 a.m. in your house.

Robiegayle was blushing and screaming.

She prepared right away for school.

* 6:30 a.m. *

Robiegayle was outside their house waiting for Nash.

While she is standing, she didn't notice Dinah and Normani hiding on a tree across her house. Dinah said,

Dinah : What is she up to?

Few moments later, Nash arrived with a car and said to Robiegayle,

Nash : Come on my princess.

Robiegayle : Haha, you're sure a joker Nash.

Dinah was so angry looking at them and the both of them ride on a taxi and followed them on where they go.

* @ School *

Kean : Where's Robiegayle?

Brandon : Why won't you ask Lauren.

Lauren : What?

Kean : Where's Robiegayle?

Lauren : I don't know, she didn't text me this morning, but maybe she is just late.

Kean : Maybe.

Mr. Johnson arrived in the classroom and checked the attendance, and said,

Mr. Johnson : Who is not yet around class?

Class : Normani, Dinah and Robiegayle.

Dani : Oh my gosh! Where's Robiegayle?

James : Maybe she is sick?

Kean : ...

Lauren : Why Kean?

Kean : I have a bad feeling about Robiegayle.

Lauren : Oh my.

Brandon : Just pray for her safety.

Dani : Good idea.

* @ Nash's Car *

Robiegayle : Oh my gosh! we're almost late.

Nash : Don't worry.

Robiegayle : Nash...

Nash : What?

Robiegayle : This is not they way to the school right?

Nash : Just watch.

* few minutes later *

Robiegayle : Nash, where are we?

Nash : Shhhh.

Robiegayle saw a floating restaurant (owned by Nash's family) and said,

Robiegayle : What is this?

Nash : Naaaah.

Dinah and Normani arrived in the location and hide on a tree.

Robiegayle and Nash went to the floating restaurant.

Dinah said to Normani,

Dinah : What are they up to?

Normani : Duuhhh! Dating!!

Dinah : They did not.

Nash said to Robiegayle,

Nash : Can you be my girlfriend?

Robiegayle : What?

Nash : I said, can you be my girlfriend?

Robiegayle : Oh my gosh!!

Nash : Is that a yes?

Robiegayle : YES!

Dinah : NOOO!!! *shouting*

Nash : Dinah?

Dinah : Yes, me.

Nash : What are you doing here?

Dinah : I am here for you Nash. I love you.

Nash : What?

Dinah : I love you!!

Nash : But I love Robiegayle more than you. I'm sorry.

Dinah : What? you choose that girl over me?

Nash : Yes.

Robiegayle : Nash.

Normani : Let's go Dinah.

Dinah : No!

Normani : Stop this Dinah.

Dinah : This is all your fault Robiegayle.

Robiegayle : Why?

Dinah : Uuggghhhh.

Nash : Just go!

Dinah : If I won't get you Nash, You better die, both of you!

Dinah gets her gun inside her bag and aimed it to Robiegayle.

Dinah : I will kill you first.

Nash : Stop this Dinah.

Dinah : Why should I listen to you? You are not my boyfriend.

Normani : Where did you get that gun?

Dinah : Camilla

Robiegayle : You know Camilla?

Dinah : It's non of your business B*TCH!

Robiegayle : ....

Dinah : Good bye.

Dinah pressed the gun, and Nash pushed Robiegayle away that lead Nash to be shoot.


Normani : OH MY GOSH!!

Dinah : Hahaha. Now he's dead, you're the next.

Normani pushed Dinah and lead Dinah to fall in the floor. Normani took the gun right away and throw it into the pond.

Dinah said,

Dinah : What's wrong with you?

Normani : You're crazy!!

Dinah : I thought you are with me?

Normani : Yes, but I thought it was just a girl fight or something like that.

Dinah : You will regret making this Normani!

Normani : .....

Dinah ran away as fast as she could.

Normani walked straight to Robiegayle and said,

Normani : Let's bring him to the hospital.

Robiegayle : ....

* @ Hospital *

They delivered Nash into the delivery room and a few minutes later, the Doctor went out and said,

Doctor : I'm sorry to sat this, but he's dead.

Robiegayle broke down and cried so much.

Normani : It's okay. He will be watching you anytime. He's in good hands now.


Good bye Nash!

Twitter : @yeahitsmebroof

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