Chapter 13 : Collide

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The next morning, Camilla was eating on a fast food chain.

While she's eating, she heard two girls talking, and it was Normani and Dinah.

Camilla was just listening to their conversation.

Dinah : I will get Nash! He's mine!

Normani : How?

Dinah : I have no idea how, but I will make a plan?

Normani : Why can't you just give Nash to Robiegayle?

Dinah : UUGGGHHHH! He's mine!!

Normani : Fine!

Dinah : I'm gonna be friends with her best friends, Lauren, James, Dani, Brandon and Kean and by that I will be close to Robiegayle and Nash!

When Camilla heard the names, she was shocked and looked at Dinah and Normani.

Camilla walked to their table and said,

Camilla : From what school are you girls studying?

Normani : Jacob Lee High School. Why?

Camilla : And can you repeat the names you have mentioned awhile ago dear.

Dinah : Why?

Camilla : Just repeat!

Dinah : Lauren, James, Dani, Brandon, Robiegayle and Kean.

Camilla : What do you want to do to them?

Dinah : Have my revenge to Robiegayle because she stole my boyfriend!

Normani : Hmmm. Correction, Nash is not your boyfriend.

Dinah : I DON'T CARE!!

Camilla : I'll help you!

Normani : ?

Dinah : Why?

Camilla : Cause those kids owe me a lot. Especially Lauren.

Dinah : Why? What did they do to you?

Camilla : Long story. A very long story dear.

Normani : Can you tell us the long story?

Camilla : No.

Normani : Why?

Camilla : Uugghhh. Cause it's so long and it takes time for me to tell you all. Understand?!?!

Normani : Fine.

Dinah : So what's our plan?

Camilla : I'm gonna kill all of them!

Dinah : o_o

Normani : O_O

Camilla : What?

Dinah : Why do you have to kill someone?

Camilla : To get what I want? So if you like to get that boy, you should learn how to kill.

Dinah : Nash is mine and I will do anything and everything just to get him!

Normani : O_O


Who do you think will die in the next chapter?

Read chapter 14 to know.

Twitter : @yeahitsmebroof

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