"You'll Never Take Me Alive, Copper!"

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It was about mid-day by now and this underworld, that I had yet to learn the name of, was nice and bright out. I walked down the street looking at all the people riding on their mechanical animals and they had guns like the one I stole strapped to them in some fashion. It was so strange to me, but I had to act like all was well as to not give myself away. I walked around the town I was in and saw a large arch in the middle of town with strange, little creatures hanging off it.
I wanted to learn about them, so I put my acting skills to the test. I wandered around aimlessly and knocked on the door of a random house. An old man with a red, metal claw replacing the left hand answered the door looking very displease.
"Who are you and what do you want?!" He growled.

I put on the act of a scared girl. "I-I'm sorry to bother you sir, but I got hit on the head a while back and can't remember anything except my name. Can you please help me?"

He old man still looked displeased, but allowed me into his home with a grumble. "So what's your name kid?" He asked.

"I think it's Joker, sir. At least that what it says on my wrist." I showed him a doodle of the name Joker that I had written on my wrist with a black pen I had found.

"Weird name, but alright. Well miss Joker, what do you remember last?" He asked studying my oddly coloured hair.

"Nothing, all I can remember is just darkness. I remember how to read, write, speak, and walk and basic stuff like that, but not really anything else." I told the old man.

The red clawed man sighed and scratched his chin with his hook thing. "I think I should call that Eli kid, he might know what's wrong with you." He mumbled to himself.

"Who's that?" I asked genuinely confused.

The old man looked at me quizzically. "You really don't know anything do you?" It was more of a rhetorical question, but I still answered.

"No, I guess not. Oh yeah, what are those odd little creatures that are hanging on that big arch?" I asked him.

He simply shook his head a little and stood up, he walked over to a little phone-like thing and punched in a number on the touch screen. A face came on to the screen, he was tan, had short, midnight blue hair and bright blue eyes.
"Hey RedHook, what is it?" He asked over the video chat.

The newly, but obviously, dubbed RedHook spoke quietly to the boy on the other end of the call. The kid's eyes widened a little saying that he was only a cavern over, with that the call ended and RedHook turned to me.
"I called someone who will be able to help you more then I will, they should be here soon. Now if I may ask, what's with the green hair and eyepatch?"

I nodded my head then spoke. "I'm not to sure about either and if the eyepatch is real I'm not to keen on finding out what's under it." I told the old man.

RedHook nodded and went to go turn on a kettle that he somehow found under all the clutter in this house. There was a knock on the door after he got up, so he went over and answered it he was gone for a while, but when he came back he was followed by the guy who was on the video chat as well as a big blue troll looking guy, a little red haired girl, and a short, purplish looking guy.

The blue haired guy walked over to me almost cautiously, I waved it off as for me looking weird, but deep down I knew something was wrong.
"Hey, I'm Eli Shane and this is my team, Kord, Trixie, and Pronto. So what can we help you with?"

I waved. "Well I can't remember anything except my name, so..." I trailed off.

The red head spoke next. "Well what's your name it could be a start?"

"I think it's Joker. At least that what it says on my wrist." I told them and showed them the same doodle that I showed RedHook.

They seemed to have a mental conversation with each other before turning attention back to me. "Well how about you come with us? We'll help you jog your memory." Eli offered.

When Crazy Meets a New World (SlugTerra) [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now