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"Beatrice, this is for your own good." those six words haunt me while I try to calm down in my tiny closet upstairs while hoping for peaceful sleep or mercy from Marcus, the king of all devils. I scrape at the reddish black dry blood on the walls of my punishment. Marcus would never give you mercy of any sort, your worthless, remember? I sigh. Don't worry Beatrice. Few more days until your out of Living Hell.

Sometimes I think about planning revenge on my fa-Marcus. But I'm not dumb enough to do so. Today is my school's Appitute test. I wonder what I would get if Marcus didn't prepare me before so no matter what I would be considered Abnegation. It's pretty much a trade barrier from him for me to stay here for being his extra cushioned punching bag. Yeah, it's just a word in the computer not chains, I'm not staying whatever it takes. But... no. I'm escaping. I don't want to die here like how my mother did.

Then my thoughts get erupted by my Devil unlocking the closet and yanks me out. "Get against the wall shirt off, now." He says in his deadly, cold, but quiet, voice. I obey. He gets out his belt and famous line, "This is for your own good."

He whips me as I try to keep count to lose my erg to think about what happens next. 20.....30.....40.....50. But stops there, when does he have a 'good' mood. Then he turn me around and shoves his tongue in my mouth down to my throat. Ewww. I know. but I have to deal with it. But I do not, I repeat, I do not kiss back at all I just be his sexual slave. It sucks because if my friend, well if I ever get one ever in my life, ask who was my first kiss I would have to say my, well, to them I would say 'father', but clearly they would say afterwards my answer "Like real kiss." and unfortunately it would be the same answer well kinda if saying 'The other person shoving their tongue in my mouth while I have a stream coming out of my eyes' count as MY first kiss then yes.

Marcus tries to reach for my bra but I pull away and say quickly, "I need to go to school or I'll miss the test....daddy." He looks angry but walks away, probably to renter his liquor in his system to 'help' his addiction be satisfied.

I take a shower letting the warm water burn my flesh and dry my body and hair I put on my usual grey itchy dress with an tank underneath to make sure the pain juice doesn't come on my dress and then put socks and shoes on along with my jacket.

Here we go.


As I walk towards the school I haven't gone to for years I rehearse in my head what I'm gonna do. Grab the cheese, jump on the dog. It's as easy as that. But how will I ever know what I would truly get? Why does my life have to be so complicated? Sometimes I think about calling the polices on Marcus, but they would always believe him more so than me just because he is high in govern.

Before I know it I'm at the front doors of the school. Here goes nothing.

"Excuse me ma'am," she looks at me, " I like to get my schedule please." the Amity woman nods wrights something down on her pad and asks for my name. "Beatrice." She hands me the piece of paper with my schedule that I probably won't ever need in my future.

"How come your joining now?" the lady says with a huge smile. I wonder if the Amity put on fake smiles.

"I was home-schooled." Yep, home-school was all about learning how to get beaten up. I lie to easily I can't join candor or then I've have to tell them about Marcus. I shudder at the thought.

We exchange goodbyes and I walk to the cafeteria and sit at the Abnegation table. I look around the tables first at the Erudite. They have humongous textbooks and reading some sentences and at moments that they think people are watching they have small chit chat with the other nerds.

I glance over to the loud Candors. The empty filters is what I think of them. You know how people tell you to think before speak...well lets just say the Candors ignore that saying. They're talking about stupid things and I see there's two boys who are in a argument about how the other one is lying or whatnot.

The Amity are blabbing about how there so exited for initiation. And more to the left there's a group of Amity in a circle doing a hand smack games with a song of some sort that includes giggles at the part where they say 'Michel Jackson makes me gag'. I wish I could be happy just like them. Notice how I say wish instead that I will.

Then I look at the Dauntless. I would always admire them but that kinda stop when my mother died because I was never aloud to be outside in the social world.

Then Jeanine came in and everyone hushed except the Candors, Dauntless, and Amity. Jeanine then raised her voice and quieted everyone. "Before I call up names, remember to keep your mouth shut and don't tell others." She responded eyeing the candor.

She calls up two people per faction. She then went towards Abnegation and called up more names. "Susan Black and Beatrice Eaton."

We both walked towards the testing rooms. I stop in front of my testing area and turned around to look at Susan and we exchange reassuring smiles.

"Hello I'm Tori. I'll be your administer for this test." As I walk in I see a chair for me to lay in and a computer next to it.

"What's with the wires?" I ask hoping that she well answer. She hesitates and smiles before answering.

"Never met a curious stiff." I look down at the ground and mutter a sorry. She smirks. "I like you, your different from others. You know, more, how do I say this," she says tapping her chin, "what I mean is you're more alive than others." She says beaming. I guess I'm a good actress because I'm a sad hippo who is trying to find a rainbow but failing miserably.

"Not really I'm pretty much like the others it's just we all have to give smiles, even when it's fake, just because it's more respectful that way." I mutter back hoping she doesn't look at me differently just because I told her the truth about stiffs.

I glance to my right and see a full sized mirror. My eyes widen when I see how I look I never saw my reflection before scenes I was 8. I quickly look away. "What's with stiffs and mirrors?" Tori says looking at me weirdly. I shrug.

She pats the seat next to her. I lay and try to get comfortable. She hands me a cup filled with orangey black color. I don't question or she will think I'm not a stiff. I gulp it down and scrunch my noes when I taste it. I can't even explain what it taste like. It's sour but bitter and sweet at the same time. How is that possible???

Tori laughs at my reaction. And suddenly I feel my eyes get drowsy.


I appear in the cafeteria. I start walking around then I see cheese and a knife. Of course I choose the cheese. Then the bowls disappear. I hear a growl. I turn around and see a dog, an angry one that has pits in there eyes. Kinda reminds me of Marcus. I rip a piece of the cheese and toss it towards the dog. The dog munch it down and returned with pretty beautiful eyes instead of the pits.

Out of no where I here a little abnegation girl beams, "Puppy!". I smile at her and see that the dog looks evil again I mutter an 'uh oh'. The dog chases her down I jump on the dog and I wake up at the sight of Tori.

"By any chance," Tori starts, "did you realize it was real?" She says trying to hide her nervousness.

I shake my head. Marcus told me no matter what I say, respond with a no. "Congratulations," She smiles, "you got Abnegation." I give her a fake smile. Tori gives me a look that says 'I don't believe that fake smile whats wrong'. I sigh. "Tell me, do you like your results?" I look at her in the eye. "That's what others want. Isn't it?" I say.

"I didn't ask about others I'm asking about you." Tori replies. I shrug. I don't really know what I want. She nods towards the door I get up and mutter a bye.

I walk to my seat and wait for the others. Then everyone starts piling out with us Abnegation waiting for everyone out to be dismissed. I hate it how we have to wait. It's so annoying.


A/N Howdy y'all. That's my first chappy so far like it? Yeah so um...BYE!!!!

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