Chappy 2

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A/N Watch the awesome video!!!!!

Right now I'm heading home. This is going to be the last time walking home. I'm glad about that but I can't suppress a smile or Marcus is going to be suspicious. I hope he isn't drunk, usually his worst nights are when he is drunk. But now when I think about it, when is he ever not drunk? And does he ever get bothered by the major hangovers? He is probably immune to the flow of dumbness spreading through his system. Wait a minute if Alcohol makes you dumb does that mean the Erudite can't drink?

My thoughts are interrupted by the sight of my house. Welcome to human Hell. Yay me! Note the sarcasm. I open the door and greeted to an indeed drunk Marcus. Once again, 'Yay me!'. 

"Heyyyyy. How are-Oh it's you." Wow, there's many things I want to say to his face but at the same time I know that I'll just get a worst punishment. 

"Hello." I say trying to hide the scaredness but failing miserably.

"Come over here." He demands. Of course I do as told. He motions for me to come closer. He then whispers in my ear. "You have night duties." And with that I nod and go to the kitchen to cook.

I decide on making spaghetti. It's Marcus's favorite and I want to be on his good side for now. When I finish I tell him that it's ready and he comes over with a smug look. Why you must ask because-you'll find out.

"*Clears throat* What you got to say?" Marcus questions even though I know it's a demand. "Thank you for this food." I can't believe I have to always say that even though I was the one who cooked not that sick basterd!

Marcus always make sure that I always have a smaller amount of food than him so I can stay fit for him to be able to have smooth night duties. Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!!!

After Marcus swallows his last bite I wash the dishes. Once I finish I gulp.

Here's my night duties.

Once I enter Marcus's room I regret being born. I stay at the door way waiting until I get killed. He walks to me closes the door and stares at me for the next second of my pounding heart beat.

A/N If you have a innocent mind and want to keep it that way skip to the next A/N. Warning; really I mean really gross and ugh awful.

He then presses his harsh lips on mine and since this is a night duty I have no choice but to kiss back. He then slips his hand under my shirt to steady himself. Then he licks my lips and I have to open my mouth or worse things will come.

His tongue starts to explore making me want to gag. He continues to do so and then where my night begins, he puts his hands on my waist and pulls me to the King size bed and lays beside me and things go down. Sorry I do not want to explain further.

Marcus then fits his mouth to mine trailing kisses to my jaw then to my neck. What kind of father is he??? An awful one that's for sure.

He then stops and gets out of the bed and puts his clothes on gratefully and I do the same. I get suddenly stopped when I am about to put my shirt on by Marcus turning me around and says deadly, "Get against the wall."

A/N You can come innocent people.

I go against the wall and wait for his line and pain. "This is for your own good." Marcus spits out. I don't understand. Why is this good? Being a Human Punching bag ain't good.

 When the last whip hits me I'm about to pass out but I force myself to get up and take a shower.

I silently scream when the water hit my cuts and flesh. I have more flesh then skin on my back thanks to someone. I carefully dry myself so I don't add much friction on my cuts.

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