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When all initiates jumped to the net and is stable on ground we start walking. Six and Lauren are leading us into a narrow tunnel with dark grey stone walls. I feel like I'm walking to the center of Earth. Blue lamps are on the walls for light making our surroundings blue. An Erudite boy abruptly stops making me slam into him.

Curse my long nose. "This is where we divide." Lauren says looking at Six. She change glances over to the Dauntless-born initiates. "Dauntless-born initiates with me. I assume you guys don't need a tour." She grins and beckons them farther away into more darkness. Six turns to us. "I mostly work in the Control room but for the next four weeks, I'm your instructor. My name is Six."

Some people snicker and others are smart enough to close their mouths. Christina how ever is not smart and decides to open her Candor mouth. "Six? Like the number?" She is going to die here if she can't hide her inner Candor.

"Yes." Six says. "Is there a problem?" Christina shakes her head. "Good. We're about to go in the Pit, which you will someday learn to love. It-"

"Pit? Clever name." Christina interrupts. SHUT YOUR MOUTH WOMAN!!! DO YOU REALLY WANT TO DIE?!?! Six walks over to her in a slow deadly pace. I recognize that pace. Marcus walked at that pace when he would throw knives at me on Thursdays, especially when I would accidently be seen by his council members on their meetings at every Wednesday. She's a goner. "What's your name?"

"Christina." Wow, he made her squeak. "Well Christina, if I wanted to deal with Candor smart mouths, I would of joined their faction. So lesson one, keep your mouth shut. Got it?" Chris nods her head viciously. I wonder why Six or Tobias left.

He continues the tour. "If you follow me, I'll show you the Chasm." He waves us forward.


I sit down with Christina at the lunch table. I pass Christina a plate. She mutters an 'Thanks.' I look to my right. Tobias sits there. I grab what looks good on the table. I look at my food. There's meat wedge between to pieces of bread. I pick it up awkwardly not knowing what the thing is. Chris's jaw drops open. Clearly she saw my confusion of what I'm about to eat.

"You never ate an hamburger before?" I furrow my eyebrows and look at thing that is now classified as an hamburger. "No, is that what it's called." I question. Tobias chimes in. "Stiff's eat plain food." Christina looks at me in wonder. "Why?" I shrug

"Extravagance is considered self-indulgent and unnecessary." I tell her from my memory. She smirks beside me. "No wonder you left." "Yeah," I say, rolling my eyes. "It was just because of the food." Why would I leave for food? I didn't even know this existed. Four's mouth twitches. The doors to the cafeteria open revealing a man with a face full of metal. Everyone looks alerted and all hush down. This man probably intimidates most people. I think it's because his eyes are filled with coldness which makes him look like a possessed human.

"Who is that?" Chris hisses. It seems like she notice her surroundings, for once, and saw the visible silence. Four inwardly sighs. "His name is Eric. He's a Dauntless leader." What? "Seriously?" Chris continues, "But he's so young." In fact he is probably our age but a few years older. Unbelievable. I guess Dauntless has no boundaries. Tobias gives her a grave look. "Age doesn't matter here."

I can tell she's thinking the same thing as me: Then what does matter? Probably being the burliest person and victory matters to these empty skulls of theirs. Eric, the metal man, scans the crowd until he stops and starts toward a table. He starts toward our table. Oh no, this can't be good. He plots into the seat beside Tobias. I see Tobias visibly tense. He offers no greeting so we do the same.

"Well, aren't you going to introduce me?" He ask nodding towards Chris and me. "This is Christina Unnamed." Tobias says confused on what to call me. Eric smirks at me. "Ooh, a Stiff." His smile pulls at the piercings in his lips, making the holes they occupy wider, I wince and slightly gag. "We'll see how long you last." I raise a brow.

I look down at my food. "Rude much." I mutter. Four and Chris seem to hear because they stifle their laughs. Eric meets my eyes obviously confused. "Hmm?" hums Eric. I put on a small fake smile. "Nothing." I say with an Amity attitude bringing my pitch up a notch. He shrugs it off. His fingers gently tap the surface of the table. His knuckles show scabbed all over, right where they would split if he punched something too hard.

"What have you been doing lately Six?" 'Six' lifts a shoulder. "Nothing really." They seem, unnatural around each other. There is so much tension that you can cut with a knife. I flicker my eyes between Tobias and Eric. Tobias is tense as pulled wire, as Eric seems rough and, well according to his pumped up fist and face expression, angry and jealous. But why? Eric shifts his weight on his other side leaning away from Tobias.

"Max tells me he keeps trying to meet with you, and you don't seem to show up." Eric says. "He suggested that I find out what's going on with you." Tobias looks at Eric for a few seconds before saying, "Tell him I am satisfied with the position I currently hold." Position? He wants to train annoying initiates

"So he wants to give you a job?" The rings in Eric's eyebrow catch the light. Now I get it. Eric perceives Tobias as an personal threat to his position. In Abnegation I once had a friend that was wise say that those who want power and get it live in terror of losing it. That's why we have to give power to those who do not want it.

"So it would seem." Tobias says. "And you aren't interested?"

"I haven't been interested for two years." Eric smiles which once again makes me gag at the sight. He stands up slowly. "Well," He starts. "Let's hope he gets the point." Eric leaves but before he does, he claps Tobias's shoulder a little to hard to be a friendly gesture. I slouch immediately. I had not known I was so tense. "Are you two...friends?" It's a stupid question for me to ask but I want to know what ever is their relationship.

"We were in the same initiation class," he says. "He transfered from Erudite." I nod. All thoughts of being careful around Tobias has left me. "Why did you transfer?"

"I thought I would only have trouble with the Candor asking too many questions," he says coldly. "Now I have Stiffs too?" I smirk. I am not thinking right. "It must be because you are so approachable. You know, like a bed of nails." I just couldn't shut my mouth, could I? We make eye contact for a long time. He may not be a dog, but same rules apply. Looking away is submissive. Looking him in the eye, like what I'm doing now, is a challenge. I wait for him to snap or smack me, but it doesn't come. Sometimes I got to remember that not everyone is Marcus.

"Careful Unnamed." A dauntless member calls out Tobias's nickname and he leaves me in relief. The weight on my chest drops down to my stomach. I do need to be careful. I turn to Chris who has both brows raised. "What?" I ask.

"I'm developing a theory that you have a death wish." I roll my eyes and take a bite of my hamburger.

A/N I know it's short. Too bad. I'm lazy, okay? Don't be a Uriah. Bye.

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