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(A/N IMPORTANT If your an old reader then you would of seen the last chapter with Beatrice new name, but I'm going to change that to her saying, "Call me Stiff for all I care." So don't get confused when nobody says Tris.)

"They're jumping!" someone yells. Oh shoot. That's a big gap. How am I gonna jump with my fear of heights? Well, it's either factionless and have no life or try with the risk of dying. I grab Christina's hand. "Together?" She nods. "1...2...3!" We shout. Time seems to slow down when we jump. Then is starts to speed up. I land on my feet then stumble and fall to my knees. Christina however, landed on her stomach. Poor girl.

"Not so bad for a stiff," a person says. Chris starts to laugh at the craziness of Dauntless. I'm actually enjoying myself here. I bet I'll feel the most free here for what I experience. I shudder. 'Don't get flash backs' I scold myself. 

I walk up to where all the Dauntless are. I see a guy on the edge. He has brown skin, an beautiful coffee color. "Hello, I'm Max. I'm one of the Dauntless leaders. The only way for initiates to enter Dauntless is by jumping." How much jumping is there in Dauntless? How about the elder?

"You want us to jump?" An female Erudite transfer ask in disgust. Yes, they want us to die. I thought you were Erudite. An Erudite boy speaks this time, "Is there water at the bottom or something?" Max shrugs. "I guess you find out. So, who's going first" We look around. No one answers. I raise my hand. Damn my stupid habits. "Me." (A/N I know in the book Four,Tobias/New Tris doesn't jump first but in here I'm going to do that and pretend Tobias/Old Tris was last in this book.)I walk,or should I say shuddering my way to the ledge and look in the black hole filled with emptiness.

Oh my sugar butter briskets. Wait, what? Anywho pay attendance to your death-I mean a drop sending me into safety...yeah I'm going to have to convince myself better than that. Maybe I can just close my eyes and dream as if this is a roller-coaster, a fun one with a fairy sprinkling pixie dust everywhere making us choke and suffocate. I'm just making this worst. Breathe in breathe out. I take off my jacket that has a few tiny holes with gravel stuck in it.

I hear cat calls. "Yeah Stiff, take it off. Then put it back on," a Candor transfer smart mouths. I turn around to see the ugly view, an Candor with Candor trash. Disgusting. I glare at him. He steps back. Good, a Stiff knocked some sense in that tiny brain of his. "I'm sorry. Did I, the Stiff, scare you? Cat got ya tongue? Apparently you are a coward for shrinking back from an tiny Abnegation girl. I wonder if you would last." I say the last part coldly and bitterly. I learned it from Marcus. I hope I don't turn out like that piece of garbage.

Some people 'ooooh's and two glare at me. The first is an Candor boy with red-orange hair with a few freckles and the other is a brunette Candor girl with weird angled teeth like I punch them out of place. "A Stiffy just burned your butt with sass!! You Pansycake!!!"

"Today initiate." Max seems irritated with us blabbering. I should of kept my mouth closed. I should of. Oh well. I guess I did leave for a reason...or two. I don't look or think anything I just bend my knees and jump to the emptiness. I keep my mouth shut along with my eyes to keep me from screaming. I then feel myself into a embrace of Oh so we don't die today. I groan from the sudden impacted to my back. Then I see many pairs of hands and grab one of the middle.

I get lifted and settled down on the ground safely with my shoes flat on the ground. "What? Did you get pushed?" I shake my head not trusting my words. "Unbelievable, a Stiff-the first to get off?" The guy glares at her. He seems kinda familiar. "There's a reason she left." he says searching for my eyes. He has striking deep blue eyes with three tattoos that are visible. Three crows of some sort, the Dauntless flames, and the Abnegation hand helping the other.

There is only one person that transferred from Abnegation to Dauntless except for me. Tobias Prior. I gulp of fear of him recognizing me. "You're the famous Tobias I hear about." He smiles and nod. "But during training call me Six." I nod trying not to get my curiousness get the best of me. "What's yours?" I shrug. 

"I'll be the Unnamed." Tobias knit his brows together then shrugs and makes the announcement. "First jumper-Unnamed!" The Dauntless holler and cheer through out the underground cave of some sort. He places his hand on my back. Before I take my first step he pats my back. "Welcome to Dauntless."


A/N Sorry I haven't been updating but hey I just did happy. Um I have nothing to say so.... bye!

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