•Messed Up•

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I had found comfort in Reece, it had been a week since and I didn't get to say goodbye to George, I spent the day I was meant to be spending with George, with Reece, we went to my favourite place ever, Build-A-Bear and both Reece and I got bear with matching clothes, I got mine a phone accessory and Reece got his some sunglasses, we chose each others names, he named mine Beary Well and I named his Jamiekin we had food and we went back to the hotel, the boys had separate rooms so I spent the majority of the rest of the day in Reece's room as we talked about what had happened and how tour was, he was enjoying it but he missed home, it was fun to him being around his best friends but sometimes a boy needs his mum, I found it a little bit too adorable, we eventually put a DVD on and we sang along to the songs coming from Aladdin, Reece was in the zone with Prince Ali when my phone went off, I was being rung by George but I was not answering, I put my phone on silent and ignored his phone calls, the knock on the door with Georges voice coming through the door startled me, Reece pushed me into the bathroom and opened the door

"alright mate?" Reece said to George

"were you singing to Aladdin?" George asked curiously

"can't a boy watch Disney without being judged?!" Reece got defensive
"okay, that wasn't why I came over, has Kaciee been in touch with you? She isn't responding to my phone calls or texts and I'm worried" he said in a rush

I remembered I put my phone on the side and really hoped that George didn't remember what my phone case looked like otherwise this would turn into a big mess that I didn't want nor need

"George, I mean the girl" Reece said with sadness in his voice
"I know, if it's about that I don't know who would of told her" he replied with a sadness in his voice
"why would you keep it a secret" Reece responded defensively

"because, I don't want her to not like me, have you seen her?"

"yes I have George, and she deserves so much better than a guy who would break her heart without a second thought" and with that I heard the door slam shut

Ouch, that would of hit a nerve with George and I felt bad but at the same time it was his own fault, in a way I'm glad Reece told me but at the same time I questioned why he told me, I wasn't quite sure anymore, my phone constantly lighting up to let me know the boy who was desperate to talk to me would not go away and it was annoying the hell out of me, I wanted him to leave me alone, I didn't want to deal with him, he hurt me, we weren't together I get that but he acted like he liked me and I wasn't sure what the truth was anymore, I didn't want to be hurt, I wanted to feel like I got the best guy ever to pay attention to me, I didn't realize this whole thing made me emotional until I felt a tear fall down onto my arm and Reece question if I were okay.

Nodding to let Reece know I was okay I did something I shouldn't off, I should of ignored it.

@KacieeDaciee: leave me alone, this was your fault, you messed up.

Without putting names he would of known it was for him, Reece gave me a hug and the speech of how he wasn't worth it, Reece then did something I would never of expected, his hands moved close to my cheeks and he pulled me in for a kiss.

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