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Meeting George at the park was going to be either the best idea or the worst idea Kaciee had ever made, finding her way through trees and people lying on towels she made her way to an empty picnic table, the sun was shining but all she wanted was to grab a towel and join the people on the floor, she wanted to lie down and have the sun shine down on her, she didn't want this stress inside her, she felt like her head would explode, she didn't want the boy to appear and mess up the sun, she knew if she left now she could avoid this but she needed to talk to him, since that message she wanted to talk to him, he grabbed her heart and wouldn't let go, she knew she wanted to be with him but she wasn't going to sit around and let him ruin her. 

George was nervous, he was worried the things he was going to say to her would cause her to turn and run, he was nervous because this girl had created a place in his heart for her and if she left he wouldn't know what to do. 

Both teenagers felt like throwing up, they weren't sure if it was nerves playing around or the sun was causing to much heat on their bodies, they weren't sure what was causing this feeling but they were both nervous, both worried what to say, not knowing really what to say or do, would hugging be okay? a little kiss on the cheek? George was worried about how to explain the girl and his feelings and Kaciee was worried that she'd fall again, something she didn't want. 

Both teenagers knew that something was going to happen but they weren't sure what 

George made his way up to the girl sitting on the picnic table and catching his breathe he put his hand on her shoulder, Kaciee knew it was him but she didn't want to talk for the fear her words would become jumbled and he wouldn't understand her, George sat down opposite her and became prepared to say what he was ready to say. 

"okay so..." he began and he knew there was no turning back now. 

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