~2nd/3rd October 2013~

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Nothing happened on the 2nd. I went on my Law trip, which was pretty boring. We spent the day in KFC and McDonald's, which isn't too bad and then I had a coughing fit in the middle of a murder trial.

Then came yesterday.

Where on Earth do I begin?

Well... I didn't get home 'til around 4pm, and they didn't start on me, except they told me that I wasn't allowed to get food, even though I hadn't eaten all day... literally. Apparently it was because we run out of time since we had a parent's evening type thing at school as kind of an introduction into sixth form. This started at 6:45pm. Logic?

My mum, sister, her best friend and I went out for a bit, and when we got back, I ended up getting shouted at.


Because I'd loaded the dishwasher but not unloaded it.

The conversation was simple.

"Did you unload the dishwasher?"


"So why didn't you unload it.?"

"Because unloading is better than doing nothing at all."

That is when he began shouting.

He began advancing and pointing his finger towards me.

I told him that I found it rude to point at people and asked if he could not raise his voice.

That only started my mother off.

They ended up slagging me off to my face, and my step dad started to make snide comments.

I just walked away.

They told me that we was leaving the house at 6pm.

However, when we did so, they walked out of the house talking about me, after shouting at me again for my 'lack of common sense' because I put my jumper on the back of the sofa when it was a little damp.

Not only that, but when they got in the car, I had a 25 minute journey to school, with them shouting at me, talking about me, just basically having a go at any little thing I said.

I also got scolded for putting my window down.

And for being up at 5:30... even though I have to be up at that time.

And for not helping with all the house work because I have been coming home around 6, eating and going straight back to do my work.

And a bunch of other things that I can't remember at the moment.

When we got to school, my mother decided to walk off and I ended up getting bombarded by people who I really didn't want to get bombarded with.

When my mum eventually got back, we ended up speaking to the headteacher.

They basically made themselves look like the perfect parents.

And I'm guessing he bought it.

Then, the head of sixth form showed up and they did the same to her.

Once they'd finished speaking, we got directed into the hall.

They ended up telling me off in there as well. Why?

Because apparently I've been studying too hard.

When the talk began, everything the head of sixth form said, my mum would stare at me.

Whether it was because of bad sleep patterns, too much work, chores, you name it.

School's just made my life that much harder.

Once the talk was over, they carried on having a go at me for the same things.

In all honesty, I think they just wanted to wind me up, and they were doing a fab job.

I was fuming by that point; baring in mind that these people who my mum and step dad were being nice to know what's going off at home. I doubt they believe me now.

We went to one more talk and they said nothing to me.

When we had to go back to the final speech, they kept quiet.

That was until they started speaking to my Spanish teacher/ deputy of sixth form.

They practically slagged me off and made me look like I'm some complete weirdo who couldn't control my own life and was afraid of the whole world.

Anyone who knows me knows that it isn't true.

After a conversation that lasted about 15 minutes, where you could tell that he wanted to leave, we did.

That was once they'd spoke about my confidence level (which isn't too bad, I just suck at Spanish), and their lives too.

That's right, they go to an evening about me and they start speaking about their own lives.

Once we'd left the school, we then began the painful journey to the chippy since apparently, they hadn't eaten all day.

They started on me as soon as we got out of the doors.

About my work.



Internet usage.

Speaking to my friends.

Going on facebook (which I don't even go on often).

The list goes on.

When we got to the chippy, they ended up shouting at me.

Actually inside the shop.


Because I'd left the hair straightners out.

They've now hidden them.

So basically, yesterday was a disaster.

I now look like I've lied to the school because they decided to go in and play the good parents.

What a load of crap!

It's fair to say that I am fuming with them.

THEN... yes, there is a then, they decide to come upstairs, wake me up and tell me off for something that I still have yet to know about. I didn't even leave my room last night.

Only to carry on slagging me off for the next 10 minutes.

Isn't my life just brilliant... please note the sarcasm.

I'm really in a bad mood.

Dear DiaryTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon