19th January 2014

948 25 4

So, I'm going to be really brief and give an overview of what's happened since I last updated. 

1) My stepgrandad has gotten even worse, he now can't breathe without being on Oxygen

2) I have a 2nd counsellor 

3) I now can't eat a full meal and have become obsessed with going to the gym... I know that it's really not healthy. 

4) I'm utterly overrun with homework. 

5) My Stepdad is refusing to pay for a trip for me to go to Poland and go around different schools, teaching history to others and helping them learn about discrimination. 

6) I'm going to London, to have a look around Parliament

7) My mum's now going on holiday again in a few days, although she only came back off holiday on the 17th December. 

8) My neighbours have now fallen out with my mum and step dad. 

9) I've been reccomended by several people to go to the doctors about how bad my eating is, but I honestly can't bear to go since they think I eat so much because my step dad told them that the last time I went. 

10) I've been requested to go to Nottingham University to go and learn what Spanish is like at degree level. 

11) My sister and I have now been banned from our stepnans and grandad's house because we were having a laugh the other day and my step dad lost his temper with us. 

12) Yesterday I ended up getting shouted at for leaving a carrier bag on the stairs. 

13) My mum and step dad have so much control over me that they chose the base of my pizzas because I'm not allowed to.

There's probably loads of other things, but they're the main things I can think of at the moment. 

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