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Remember last chapter in the beginning when I said life likes to throw shit at me from all directions? Yeah life threw more shit at me again, only the shit was in form of a tire. We had a field day for the last day of school and in the tire rolling game, my friend dropped a huge ass tire on my foot.

Normally then I would take the opportunity to write while I can't walk. But in the process of trying to not have the tire hit my foot I put my hand in to try and catch it. So now I have two broken fingers so I can't type. (I'm writing this on my phone because luckily I didn't break my thumbs. )

So now I'm stuck in my house with a broken foot, and two broken fingers on my dominant hand. Which means I basically can't do anything for myself.

Again I'm sorry I will probably not be able to update for awhile, but look on the bright side, at least your not stuck with a broken foot and fingers on your summer vacation.

Again I'm sorry, but at least I have time to brainstorm more one shots 😉!

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