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Serena POV

"Serena," Natsumi, whispered in my ear. "Nevania had left, why don't you come on home and get ready to meet the boy she brings back?"

"What for?" I questioned, with extreme irritation. "This time won't be any different." I complained, refusing to look at my dragon as I continued to lay on the sandy cliff. "Nevania will go out to try and find someone who is capable like I am, but because I look so damn young he is going to be afraid of me. We have to deal with the fact that I might not be made out for....marriage."

"Serena, you don't know that this boy will be the same." Natsumi genially brushed my forehead with her tail as she curled around my petite body. "You can't judge a book by its cover my water droplet."

"We shouldn't, and yet we do." I refused to look at her, this was the seven hundred ninety-eighth time she was making me meet a match. I was surprised they didn't give up on me, I would think that the world would have run out of young men however the time barrier around my village of dragon slayers made sure that I would find a husband before I turn ten, or a thousand....depending on if you go by the outside world or the village. "We judge before we know, we create before we understand, and we abandon before we take in everything. It is the flaw of all us humans."

"There is someone out there for you; all beings are born with a match. You just need to give us more time."

"More time?!" I jumped away from my dragon, annoyed with her and what she was insinuating. "I am five hundred years old! Half your time is already gone. No one even gives me a chance because my power scares them, I scare them, and nothing about me invites them in. I have a teen's body with a child's head. You bring in all these teens, but they all think I am weird and creepy. None of them will ever love me the way you want them to."

"Serena, don't get so worked up over this, I know that we will find you the right guy." Natsumi brought her head closer to me and nuzzled my stomach with the end of her nose. "Now do you want me to tell you who Nevania is thinking about bringing to you?"

"Ugh, do I have to learn about boy number seven hundred and ninety-eight?" I placed my small hands on either side of her giant nose and angled myself so I could be seen by her right eye. Natsumi's head was huge just like her, and when she was this close to me I was unable to fully take her in. "You know that talking to them always puts me in a bad mood."

"Well the way I see it, you're already in a particularly foul mood." Natsumi tilted her head, though she was unable to actually talk, she used brainwaves to communicate with everyone. I have a special connection with her, most can only hear words but I can feel and hear so much more. I could hear the facial expressions she would create and the emotions she would put in her words. "And as soon as you see him I know your walls are going to rocket up so you will be in a bubbly yes you have to go met the boy."

"Ga! Why don't you try and match my sister up with someone?" I might have sounded like a whinny child but can you blame me? On the outside I am technically five. "She is more suitable to be with someone that I am."

"Serena, it is your destiny to lead the clan." Natsumi dropped the sweetness and became stone cold serious, as she always did when I told her Katherine should take my place. "The clan was led by your mother for three thousand years-"

"You mean thirty years?" I interrupted; it was fun messing with Natsumi's time line when she was explaining things.

"Serena you know what I mean!" Natsumi stood tall, making me feel incredibly small. Not liking that she was higher than me I pushed out a pair of water wings, a tick that I was taught just that morning, and flew up into her line of sight. "Your mother was the frost leader for three thousand years, and she will be the leader until you're fully trained and able to take over for her. There are rules to the village and there are rules of the Siren Dragons. You will follow them Serena, you can't fight them."

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