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Once upon a time...

"Ah, look," A man said, standing above a crib, a baby boy in it, cooing in its way.

The boy had horns, light mint tinted skin, small fangs and dark growing hair. His eyes were yellow as he opened them to look at his father. A woman stood by the man. They had the same features as the young boy. Fairies.

The boy kicked and smiled. The man and woman smiled and the woman picked up the boy, cradling him in her arms as the two looked at him.

"Ah, my boy," The man said, "Maleficent," The woman scoffed.

"Maleficent? Truly? Name our child after horrible acts?" She asked.

"I don't see why not," He said, and she set the boy back in his crib. The two left to squander about the child's name in the other room.

The boy looked around, kicking slightly. He turned to his stomach and a bird flew in through the open window. It landed in front of him as he bit on his bottom lip. The bird cocked its head to one side, then the boy giggled, smiling. The bird hopped near him to investigate. The bird, being larger than the boy by a small sum, was shocked when the boy grabbed it.

The bird panicked and screeched, flapping its wings and taking the boy into the air. It flew around the room with him, knocking things down as the boy screamed happily and held on. He fell back into his crib and the bird flew back out the window as his parents rushed back.

They looked at him as he sat with his legs crossed and his hands pressed on his feet. He smiled happily and cooed. The man put a hand to his head as the two both were breathing heavily in panic. The mother went to the boy with the father.

"Well, maybe Maleficent is an alright name," The mother said, and the boy shrieked happily, beating his hands on his mattress of hay and feathers. The two sighed heavily in relief of their boy being okay and got him to nap.

Five years later...

Maleficent walked down a hidden path to a river with a pail for water with his father, who had two bigger pails. The boy looked around. He hadn't been this far from their home before. He came to a slow stop as he thought he had heard horses. He looked around the trees as his father continued. Maleficent started going to the trees to see the horses. He thought he heard someone talking.

"Maleficent," His father said, and Maleficent stopped, looking to his father, who had stopped and was looking at him, "Come," He nodded down the path and Maleficent caught up quickly.

"Where are the horses?" Maleficent asked, looking up to his father as they walked. They stopped at the river and filled their buckets.

"Horses?" His father asked, setting a filled pail to the side to fill the other.

"I heard them," The boy said, heaving his full pail out of the water.

"Just the King's horsemen," His father said, taking out the other pail and looking around, "How could they have come this close?" He asked himself quietly. The boy looked at him.

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Nothing," His father said, and stood, "Quickly, wouldn't want your mother to worry," The boy nodded and picked up the pail, walking after his father a little unsteady.

Once they had gotten home, they set the water pales in the kitchen and Maleficent went to the other room as his mother and father talked. Maleficent couldn't help but eavesdrop.

"They're getting closer," His father said, "They've already gotten past the river,"

"How do you know for sure? It could've just been your ears playing tricks," His mother said.

"It wasn't my ears that heard them,"


Maleficent peaked in as his father nodded. His mother covered her mouth.

"They couldn't have, the, the spells," She said.

"I can only assume," He said, "The witches beyond their walls must have served the King to surpass our spells,"

"Yes, but how? Witches?" She asked,"How could they possibly,"

"I don't know, but it'd be wise to recast, with something stronger," His father left. Maleficent left out his window after his father, tailing after him at a far distance.

Maleficent hid in a shrub and peeked through leaves as his father stopped. He watched as his father's eyes started glowing as he started saying an incantation. A semi glowing invisible wall went around the perimeter of where they lived. Maleficent went back slightly, causing the bush to rustle. His father turned back to him.

"You can come out, Maleficent," His father told him, "I know you're there," Maleficent crawled out and got to his feet, holding his hands to his sides and hanging his head, "Son," Maleficent looked up to him as he walked to him. His father kneeled in front of him., "The people who live outside the forest are vile creatures. They will kill anything that does not look like them. They come to our land to conquer and destroy,"

"Will they come for us?" The boy asked shakily.

"Not if I can help it," His father said, "As long as you stay within our land and be careful, you will be safe. I swear," The boy nodded.

"Okay," He said.

"Let's get back to your mother," His father said, standing up and walking back. Maleficent looked past the invisible barrier and let his mind wonder, then snapped back, following his father quickly.

Don't go out of our land, and we'll be safe, Maleficent told himself, I won't go out of our land.

Maleficent (Male Version)Where stories live. Discover now