Chapter 6

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I watched over the kingdom happily, eating my fruit. I sat on the edge and leaned on my spare hand, letting one leg dangle over the edge.

"I will never understand your definition of happiness," Diaval said, leaning on a crumbling wall and crossing his arms. I just shook my head as I kept eating.

"This was never for your enjoyment, Diaval," I told him, licking juice from my bottom lip.

"Of course," He sighed. I then heard something. A horse and a rider.

"What on earth," I asked, standing and getting my staff and dropping the fruit.

"What?" He looked at me.

"Do you hear that?" I asked, examining the plane. I saw a familiar boy on a horse. I grit my teeth, sneering.

"Maleficent," Diaval started.

I dropped from the surface, going into emerald flames and sending the flames up in front of the boy, causing his horse to rear up and throw him off and I formed, stepping out of the flames. The boy looked up to me as I looked down to him.

"Maleficent," He said, going for a sword at his waist. I smiled, putting my staff to the boy.

"Pathetic boy," I practically growled, my staff starting to glow as my eyes did. He breathed heavily, "You think that could do anything to me?" My went dark as I started shifting in a beast, "Please," I started laughing and the laugh turned to a roar as I shifted into a dragon, towering over him.

"My god," He said under his breath and I chuckled, feeling a burning in my throat as I took stance.

He quickly took cover as I breathed fire out towards him. He stayed put and I paced towards him. He threw a rock at me and it hit the side of my head. I looked at him, then roared out, spitting out fire at him. He stepped out, sword in hand and a small shield in the other from one of the guards that were asleep behind the small rock wall.

I growled and felt the burning rising in my throat. I stood my stance and breathed out flames. He shielded himself, kneeling and keeping himself steadied. I stopped and started pacing around him as he straightened himself.

"Don't test my patience, boy," I growled at him, "Leave, and never return,"

He just growled and started running to me. I growled and felt the burning. He then ran to me and threw the blade.

There was a pain in my chest as it stuck. I roared out and put my claw over the sword, starting to shift back to my normal self, growling from a loud rate into my own. The sword had fallen out of me a good distance from me. I held where the sword had pierced me, feeling a burning. I looked to the wound and it looked as if acid had touched it.

I looked to the blood on my hand, then heard a blade drag across the ground. I looked up, sneering, to see the boy holding the sword and walking to me. I growled and put up my hand, trying to use my magic to get him back. He moved by slightly, but didn't get thrown back. I breathed heavily, sneering.

"I've come to find the missing peoples of this kingdom, and I will not leave until I have done so," He said as he stood over me and I breathes heavily, "Now tell me, Maleficent, where are they? What have you done to them?"

"I have not done anything to the 'peoples' of this kingdom, I had only cursed the princess," I informed him, "The ones who took the rest of the people in this kingdom were the good fairies," I chuckled slightly, "Pathetic," I cringed as the pain shot through me again and I shut up, saving myself from the pain.

"This blade is lined with iron, so I would not test me if I were you," He said and I glared up at him.

"I will not die surrendering to someone as pathetic as you," I said, trying to get up. I cried out as the pain of the wound became too unbearable and I fell back to the ground, holding it.

He then looked to the sky as Diaval screeches, coming down from the sky at him. He starts running towards the castle and Diaval shifted beside me, kneeling.

"My god, Maleficent, what have you done?" He asked.

"Oh stop it with that, Diaval," I said, and started getting up, grunting, "Come on and help me," He put my arm around his shoulder and started getting up with me. Pain pulsed through my chest and I screamed slightly, causing Diaval to set me back down.

"You can't walk with that wound," He said, looking at it, "You're bleeding too much, and it's gone too deep," He went quiet as he looked to me. I breathed shakily as I looked to the ground, "You idiot, I told you that you shouldn't have done this and now you're going to," He bit his bottom lip and looked away.

"Come now, Diaval, stop it," I hit his leg slightly, "We did have a good run, aye?" I smiled slightly and he shook his head, looking away.

"You're such an idiot," He rubbed his eyes.

"Yes, but some how you've stayed by my side through everything," I rested my head back.

"We had a deal as children,"

"I never said how long you had to be my servant, Diaval. You could've left at anytime," I said, "You're a bird for god's sake," He looked at me as I looked at the sky, "What's it like up there, Diaval?"

"You're not going to die, Maleficent, don't you go on like that," He said, "Once the kingdom wakes up we can get yourself medicated, and you can't repent for what you did to them,"

"I didn't do anything to them," I said, closing my eyes, feeling tired and he sighed.

"Always so hard headed," He scoffed and I felt weak as I felt my breath start to slow.

"We," I breathes in sharply, "You've been a good friend, Diaval. Thank you,"  I swallowed weakly and pain went through me again, but it faded.

"Maleficent?" He asked, but it sounded distant. I smirked slightly, then felt everything I was feeling fall away...

Diaval looked down to himself as he turned back into a raven, the spell being lifted. He looked to Maleficent's unmoving body and got onto his chest, pecking slightly at his cheek. He didn't react and Diaval knew he was gone. He looked down slightly and then looked to the kingdom. He took to the sky and started flying to the tower.

Diaval rested in the window and watched as the prince kissed Aurora. She breathes in heavily as she awoke.

They have such strange definitions for love, Diaval thought to himself, then left the window, flying to see if anyone else had woken up.

The King and Queen were coming out of the sleep, along with palace guards, maids, servants and anyone else who had been there. Diaval flew from the castle to the town and looked around as the towns people were awakening. He flew onto a home and rested his wings back, watching as the two guards that had fallen asleep outside the town carried Maleficent's body into the town and people cleared the way groggily. He cocked his head to one side slightly and then flew after them as they started getting him to the court yard of the castle.

Soon the King and Queen were in their court, discussing the actions of Maleficent with their court of men to determine his treatment.

"Just throw him with the rest of his kind," One member said, "Let his corpse rot there,"

"We should burn his body, to make sure no one can bring him back,"

"No," Queen Leah said, and they looked to her, "I wronged him, that's what caused him to do this. He shall be treated with respect," They shifted slightly, "That's something none of us would ever play to his part,"

"Are you sure?" The King asked her quietly, and she nodded. He nodded and sent out the orders and it was done.

Maleficent was buried under the kingdom in a tomb of his own, a plaque outside the door inscribed with the words "praeiudicium", "superbia" and "potestatem". Prejudice, pride and power. The three things that led to this encounter taking place, like many others through out time. It's everywhere you look. Only you can make yourself stop seeing things in the wrong perspective.

Maleficent (Male Version)Where stories live. Discover now