1 - Mammoth 'A' Tower

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I shot up, drenched in a cold sweat. I don't think you really understand how awful it is to have vivid nightmares, being forced to relive your nightmare of a life, as often as it happens.

"Hey... Hey.... Hey!" I whisper shouted to awake my little sister, Hannah. Okay- No. She isn't my blood sister, but when you go through something as horrid as we did together, you become kin.

A quick glance at the clock reviled that we were mere hours away from our fate.


Yay. (That's sarcasm!) I looked over to Hannah, who once again, had chosen not to wake up.

"Hey! Wake up! This was your idea anyway!" I shake Hannah gently, and yet, I get no response. In result, I gradually began to increase the power in my shaking.

We were taught to sleep light. She's just choosing to deliberately ignore me. Hannah is so freaking smart. Gotta heart of gold, and a great head to go with it.

We're quite the team, to be honest. I have quite a few years on Hannah, as I am in my early twenties, making me the better fighter.

And I'm not bragging, honest to God this is not something you brag about, but I am pretty smart too. Not in the way Hannah is. She's a genius, but our talents tend to intersect at certain points.

Take science for example. Hannah is a freaking queen of engineering and construction, whilst mine lays in biological and psychological science. Predicting movements, how people think, the art of manipulation.

"Hannah! Pack up your freaking weird clock before I break it trying to," I growled at the sleeping girl. With this, she shot up and started fumbling with wires in the dark.

I muttered some nasty words under my breath, "Why are we even doing this again? I really don't want to get my butt kicked again for you."

"I promise you won't!" Hannah replied and a confident but high pitched voice. I can't believe that she dragged me here. I stand my ground most of the time, I have to to be a leader. Hannah also knows where to find my weak spot, and after being rejected several different times by several different companies, she dragged me to New York.

Freaking New York. We were in Florida. A simple: "I know someone, they'll help us!" And we were on our way. How pathetic we are.

I've done a number of things to keep us alive. From street fights, to begging. You name it.

To be honest, I wasn't thrilled to be going to meet up with the same guy that Hannah and I ran into on the street, and ended up in a hand-to-hand combat situation where I tried to beat the guy for a hot dog. He wasn't even that big! Never mess with a little man, with a little goatee.

"Yeah, right," I laughed as falsely as I could, "I don't trust them."

"You don't trust anyone! You're like a lone wolf!" Hannah objected, making a point of my affection for wolves as well as my introverted personality.

"This is true," I admitted with a shrug, "Let's just go before the sun rises. Where are we going to anyways?"

"I don't know the exact spot, but it's apparently got 'A' on the huge tower," Hannah said as she through her portable 'lunar' powered clock into her small beat up backpack.

"You're telling me, you dragged me to New York City, tracked down this person like a stalker, set it up so that I would end up fighting said person, all so we could go meet him in his stupid tower and you don't even know where it is?!"

"That's exactly what happened."

Hannah had fallen in love with some stupid idea she saw. Something about a group of people who had 'superpowers' and could 'save the world'. I didn't buy it. When she found whoever I fought, she had been so excited that he was actually there. I didn't have the heart to tell her it was probably just another fan doing so weird cosplay with some mad karate skills.

After losing to this sad old man, he asked if I had wanted to come join a 'special' team of people like me. Before any words had been able to even form in my mouth, Hannah had already interrupted me and agreed. The guy gave us the date and time, and scampered off.

I thought about blowing the offer off, but he had left his hot dog for two starving children on the streets of New York, upon doing this- I decided maybe there would be more food there.

"Let's just go already," I whined, patience was something I lacked when waiting on others, "The sun's coming up and then everything's going to be so much harder."

"Okay! I'm ready! Let's go!" Hannah swung her backpack onto her shoulder and fixed her blonde hair.

If I had learned anything from growing up on the streets, it's that at 4:45 in the morning, there are only crazy people out on the streets- well, and athletes- and those people, ironically, knew their way around the city.

A crazy old homeless women have us the directions, and I navigated the way. Upon arriving at the mammoth 'A' tower, I found Hannah tugging at my sleeve of my gray and black hoodie.

"Sabi? I'm nervous..."

"It'll be okay. I promise. And if things don't go well, what do we lose? Nothing. We're here and it's too late to back out now. So let's give it a shot."

What? I'm not mean, just task oriented. I may come across as hardcore, but it's only to get stuff done. I don't enjoy being like that.

And that's how I found myself where I am now. Sitting at the door of this mammoth tower, that potentially holds our fate.

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