7 - Just Keep Swimming

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"Hey! I'm taller now!" I say, the metal at the bottom hooking under my foot gives me about an inch, making me 5'8" instead of 5'7".

Clint, Natasha, and Thor all watch me, Bruce talks with Tony about something 'top secret' and Hannah tries to explain how it works to Steve as he holds the blueprint upside down.

Clint, Natasha, and Thor all watch me, Bruce talks with Tony about something 'top secret' and Hannah tries to explain how it works to Steve as he holds the blueprint upside down

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I move around and jump several times, the metal takes all the impact, and it feels good to be able to run again. It doesn't enhance my speed, but it does allow me to keep up with everyone.

"Oh, by the way, that is only for your fighting gear. Don't wear them just out and about," Tony says, and I nod. Makes sense, wouldn't want them to break if I was training or something.

"-Fall with no impact, or damage from the impact?" Steve asks, and Hannah looks at Tony.

"How far can they fall with no impact?" Hannah asks, and moves her eyes around, doing mental math, probably calculus.

Tony shrugs, "50 feet or so? Try not to launch yourself out of a skyscraper or any helicopters, okay?"

"Aw, but that's not fun," I say, and everyone but Hannah stares at me, "Kidding."

• • •

I return to my room, and put in the order for the shipment. Hannah's swimsuit would be here soon. That's nice for her.

I suppose it's about time I should get a suit. Get my base back on track. I contemplate whether I have enough energy to stand up, or if I should remain seated.... Nah, I should probably go do this now.

I stand up and exit my room, and as I'm walking down the hall, I turn around and return to my room. And I don't know where I'm going.

I throw my hand forward, "Back to the room!" I say to myself, I stare somewhat appalled at the floor, "Stop talking to yourself. Someone's going to see you and think you're a freak."

"Too late," Clint says as he breezes by me, a sly smile covers his face, and I sheepishly speed walk back to my room.

After I got the directions to the nearest swimsuit shop, I walked down there by myself. I had picked out two different suits, and ironically they were both unintentionally patriotic. One with red stripes of varying color, and a blue suit of similar caliber but the stripes were thinner and covering them they had small blue star that were reflective.

I walked down from the store to the nearest recreational pool, which was indoors. I hate indoor pools. Sound just flys everywhere. It gets really hot, and sound bounces off every wall. Of course, I had always grown up with outdoor pools, but I'd live.

I ease myself into the water, and try to imitate what I thought I remember the flailing motion of freestyle to be. I did this for several laps, and looked at the clock on the wall.


Three minutes?! 100 yards took me three minutes? No. No. This is not going to be a thing. I think frantically, and then I remember I'm an idiot. (Well that's not the new news.) I had gotten in at 1:30 not the new hour.

"Oh my God," I breathe a sigh of relief when I'm at the wall, and a girl in a black bulldog cap laughs at me lightly.

After about an hour of swimming, I hop out and nearly collapsed on the ground. I had done an old set I remember my coach adoring:

x 5

(X 5 meaning 5 times).

"I'm so out of shape," I mutter, I wonder if Hannah's having any better luck?

I continue this pattern for about three weeks or so, and I guess the Avengers were starting to notice my disappearance for two and a half hours every day.

"Lady Sabi?" Thor asks as he bites into a Pop Tart, "Where do you go everyday?"

"Uh?" I ask, trying to pretend I have no idea what Thor is talking about. Maybe if I play it so cool he will think I just take naps, "Do I?"

I walk over and take a seat next to Clint as Thor stands up, "I was wondering where you go too," Clint stares into my soul, and I laugh, but it sounds really forced. Probably because it is. Tony does have the coolest bar thing set up. I can drink, but I choose not to. No need to set a bad example for Hannah.

"She swims," Hannah calls back to us from a couch, and I swing my head around to glare at her.

"You butt."

"You love me," She turns around and gives me the biggest sweetest puppy dog eyes I've ever seen, and I roll my eyes.

"I do," I sigh, and when I return my gaze, Thor and Clint look really confused.

Thor looks at his empty pack of Pop Tarts and looks quite surprised and upset that there are no more left, "Why did you not share this with us, Lady Sabi?"

"I-I-" I stammer. 'I didn't because I didn't want anyone to know about it, clearly. You would all demand to see me train, and you would probably all show me up.' is what I want to say, but I look down instead. I was planning on telling everyone about it once I got my 100 free back down to a 1:03.08, but as of currently I was only at 1:09s. Currently, my favorite training set is 30 x 100s on the 1:30 holding 1:20s or faster. That's about 3000 yards, which is roughly two miles.

"I wanna see what you do," Natasha says walking in. I shallow. Crap, everyone's on to me now, aren't they?

Steve and Bruce walk in next, "What's going on?" Steve asks, and Banner smiles at Hannah.

"We're gonna watch Sabi swim," Hannah says, and every cheers, I bury my head in my hands, my elbows driving into my nervous stomach.

"Count me in," Tony says from the intercom.

"Ugh," I sigh and Hannah comes with me back to my room.

Star Spangled (Captain America)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora