8 - 18:34

46 4 10

"Meh!" I say meekly as I sink into the cool water, and I turn to everyone.

Everyone (save for Hannah) looks like they're about to witness me bending water into bubbles that float in the air and make magic happen. I'm internally screaming, and the butterflies in my stomach aggressively beat the the inner walls of my stomach, looking for an escape.

There's a local team that the head coach has graciously been letting me train with his team.

"Oh my Lord, Sabi!" The head coach gawks at me, waving his arms at something behind me.

I whip around for I fear something dreadful is behind me, but I just see an eager group of avengers waiting for something special to happen.

"What?! What?! What?!" I demand, looking for an Olympian or something behind me, and yet I see nothing. I'm sorely disappointed as I had hoped to find someone like Annie or Matt Grevers.

"It's- it's the-" The head coach squeals, slapping his hand over his mouth. His swimmers laugh at him, and I hop out of the pool and grab a towel and dry off my mid section.

I go over and stand by the coach, looking at what he's looking, but all I see is Steve and the rest of the group looking extremely confused.

"What? Steve? Natasha? Clint?" I ask, "Tony? Thor? Bruce? Hannah? What are you so excited to-" I never did ever get to finish that sentence.

"Oh my God, Sabi! You know the Avengers and you didn't tell me?!" The head coach practically screams with glee. He's young. About 31 now, and a great guy. On the weekends, I go in for three hours to help him coach, because he has a job too, so the help is needed there.

"I'm sorry, Ellis!" I'm not sorry, "I didn't know you were a fan!" I say. Who am I kidding, literally everyone but me is a huge fan.

"Wait- Hannah?" Ellis says, and I just see a blur of blonde hair and Ellis toppling over.

"THEO!" Hannah screams and topples him, "Oh my God! THEO!"

Do you all know each other? What's going on?

Hannah refuses to let go of Ellis, so I'm guessing they knew each other before hand.

"Hey, Ellis? They came to see me swim. Do you think that maybe I could do a dive 1650? Tanya? Would you be willing to count?" I ask a girl, who's about sixteen. She has brown hair and brown eyes, and she's a distance swimmer too.

"Of course!" She says in a high pitched voice as she runs and grabs a counter.

I walk over to Thor and the rest of the Avengers, and Ellis drags Hannah along as she refuses to leave him for a moment, "You guys wanna see me do a test 1650?" I ask.

Everyone mumbles and cheers, "What is a 1650?" Bruce asks, looking like he's about to do quantum physics.

Hannah, Ellis, Tanya, and I look at each other and laugh, "It's a mile. It's kinda long but it's my best event."

Everyone cheers and I get on the blocks, "Wait, Sabi. Let me get Gold ready first," Ellis says and then runs off to a younger group of kids. He says something to them, and they all jump in and start swimming.

Tanya is talking with another boy, and I wonder if she secretly fancies him. They bend over because they're laughing so hard, and two girls come over and join them.

Tanya flips the lap counter to 3 and I make the hand signal to go to 1 to start. I'm a weirdo when it comes to counting. I know.

I flash the numbers 1, 9, 5, 0, with my fingers, make an L and a C then tap my right wrist three times at Ellis and Tanya, who nod. They boy and the two girls have clipboards ready to take splits.

Every hold thumbs up, and Hannah goes to the lane next to me, all suited up, "Race yeah," She says in the most confident smooth voice ever, and one of the girls drops her clipboard and grabs another lap counter.

"You're on!" I challenge.

"Take your marks... HUP!" And I throw myself as fast as I can off the blocks.

• • •

"Oh my-" Steve says looking amazed.

"How did you-"

"Lady Sabi can swim!"

"Is that something they taught you in Germany-?"

I vomit into the gutter, "Time?" I say weakly.

"18:34. Low" Ellis say and I hold a thumbs up.

I can hear Tony and Bruce discussion whether or not I had a 'super solider serum' like Cap did, but I have no clue what that is.

"Not something I learned- just what I used to do. World record is like 15 minutes," I pant at Natasha, who looks impressed.

I lay on my side on the deck, "If I pass out, Ellis, take me to the hospital," I mutter as my body goes limp.

Steve jumped a little when I collapsed, but Tanya just sat by me, doing a swim journal they are required to do.

I lay there for several minutes as Ellis talks with the Avengers. Ellis seems to have a good time talking with Steve, who sounds distracted. Hannah tells the team about the suit she's making under Tony's guidance, and the team goes nuts.

"Hey, Sabi?" Tanya says, and I dorm reply.

"Sabi? Sabi? Are you dead?" Tanya laughs, but she knows I'm breathing so she doesn't do much about it.

Suddenly I'm kicked, "Sabi, let's go. I wanna go home and shower and eat all the food in the house," Only person that could be was Hannah.

"Mah," I say, and roll to face her, "I no move."

Hannah whispers something to Spangles and he scoops me up.

"Put me down," I say, all smiley, the endorphins making me loopy, "I can stand on my own feets."

Cap puts me down and my knees don't support my weight, I lull my head at Thor as I try to find Steve, "I lied," I laugh. What a pretty blue butterfly. I'll name it Chloe~.

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