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Help me please
I don't feel sane i feel drained
I don't know what's real
I am hallucinating
And I feel lost I really need someone
To help me but no on bothers to
They say it's just me
That one person who is crazy
I heard she was trying to die
Yes that's true but do you know why
You most possible don't because of you did
You would be scared and would never commit
I have a lot of mental illnesses and no one bothers to try
And solve why
Even though I always say I am fine
Don't you think it's wired that I disperse sometimes
When I say oh I need to go do something or when I say I would rather be alone
Do you really think that's what I do
But no I don't sometimes I go to the rooftop
Sometimes I smoke other times I don't
I always had the key
I always thought about jumping down
I never did it thought
But now that I have reached out for help and no one replied I really really really
Just want to die...
Because I am the girl who is crazy the one with the green eyes most people aren't scared of me
They see my eyes because that's where all my demons hide people just don't notice
And tell me lies,lies that are supposed to make me feel better about my dead eyes. So I say once agin please help me somebody please my
Thoughts are killing me.
When people ask me who I am I tell them I am someone I don't want to be because I am disappointed and I am always solely killing...
So help me

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