It's all part of the story

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I never knew I would regret that wish.

But how selfish it is to not be happy for a friend's happiness?

"I'm in love with Clark."

Emily, no. Not me...

She asked for my help, and who am I to decline?

It's sad to know, that all this time I'm just a supporting character. Still a supporting character. I'm so stupid, I'll never be a main character, I'm just too dumb to think such thoughts.

And here I am, the supporting character helping the main characters.

Hey, its still good. Knowing I am right, that the likes of me has important roles for the important characters.

Now, as I nudged them both to each other, although it hurts, I feel relief as everything falls into place.

Look where I find myself, behind them.
Casually passing by.

Well, It's all part of the story, right?

Supporting CharacterWhere stories live. Discover now