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Rachel and I ended up texting with each other until the morning light started to peep in to the horizon. Though we only talked through texting, I got to know a little bit more about her which I guess was a start. Rachel Asgarthe wasn't really sure about her life, maybe that's why everything seemed mysterious to me as well. Unlike most people, she wasn't sure about who she really was or what she wanted in the future. With almost everyone saying they wanted to be this or they wanted to be that, she was pretty chill about it. She studies in an all girls school, which ironically as she thought it was as well, seemed like a training ground for the students to become nuns, yet most of them partied harder than Bas and Jay combined. She also loved the internet. It may sound unusual for a person to love the internet, but Rachel was indeed fascinated with Tumblr, and even saw it as her first love. She then explained how it was like an open canvas that painted what she was going through in her life. Whether she was sad, happy, excited, lonely, bored, or whatever, Tumblr painted it abstractly.

"Look outside, there is day light already." I said.

"Yeah, my mom is picking me up soon. I can't wait to sleep on my bed." Rachel replied.

"Yeah, I can't wait to sleep on min as well. I'd have to get going soon as well, have to go to church."

"Someone's being holy! Well, I shall be hibernating like a bear for maybe 2 days?"

"Trying to be holy ha-ha. I like bears, they seem so cuddly even though they could probably tear you in half with one swipe. So am I gonna be seeing you next Saturday?" I said.

"I bet I could tear you up with one swipe. I'm quite a ferocious bear you know? Hmm, I guess so? Hopefully, if I don't extend my hibernation."

"You're weird Rachel ha-ha. Alright, see you when I see you I guess?" I said.

I drove back home and felt really sleepy. If I could just get a 5 minute power nap, I assume I would be fine. I got back home and noticed that the house was empty. I then saw a note on the fridge: "You're late. Going to Aunt Susan's after church, apparently she's pregnant again. Lunch and dinner is in the fridge. Don't forget to feed Snow. – Love, Mom."

I felt bad, yet relieved since I felt really tired. I jumped on top of my bed and thought about Rachel. Weeks ago, I hated going to parties. Now, I'm actually really excited since I was surely going to see Rachel again. I closed my eyes, and slept with a smile on my face.

Snow started barking so I go up and fed him. My brain was still fuzzy, so I stared at him while he ate. Then I realised that it was already 3 in the afternoon. "You only bark when you're hungry. I wish I could just bark whenever I was hungry." I said.

I logged into Stamp and saw Jay online.

IAMJAY07: "Morning princess."

DamRiv13: "Morning. Did you know that I was texting with Rachel the whole time you and Bas snored in such a melodic and synchronised way? I think you guys might just be the next big thing in the music industry."

IAMJAY07: "We get that a lot. Damn you are really into her huh? I don't think I need to ask whether you are coming next Saturday then."

DamRiv13: "I like her, I really do. She seem's different you know?"

IAMJAY07: "This was what I meant when I told you that your life can't just revolve around Lindsey. Look at you now! I doubt you would even give a flying fuck if she and Ricky got back together after that night."

DamRiv13: "Well, that is quite true actually."

IAMJAY07: "Damn right it's true. You can't move on from something unless you find something to move on to. Can't be just anything though, sometimes it actually is the same something you want to leave."

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