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I told the guys about what happened, and of course, they couldn't help but laugh. "That is by far, the fastest relationship I have ever heard in my life. You didn't even last for a day!" Chad said as he laughed

"Give the man a break." Jay said.

Of course, I wasn't really affected what they think, it was just really a shocker for me since so many things happened on just one night. "I honestly do not know what to say. I mean, it's not that I am giving up or anything like that, it's just that I do not know what to say." I said.

"That's the power of vodka my friend." Bas said.

We packed our things and decided to head back home. The weather was gloomy, which made things more sentimental for me. I honestly didn't know what I was going to say. I thought to myself, maybe honesty was the best way to go? I stared out in the horizon and just zoned out. I tried to figure out everything that happened last night and tried to piece in everything. Most of it had me thinking 'oh god that was so embarrassing' while some were pretty okay.

Jay noticed that I was quiet and was zoning out pretty deep. He grabbed an empty plastic bottle and threw it to my direction. "I think you should just say what you feel, you can't go wrong with that right?" He said.

"I agree. What's the worst thing that could happen? She already said that she is really in to you." Chad said.

"I think we should all just have a shot of vodka to awaken Damon's balls again." Bas said.

"Shut up Bas!" Jay and Chad said at the same time. I just kept quiet and continued thinking. All I knew was that when I kissed Rachel last night, she kissed me back. That, to me, had to mean something.

We were half way home and the boys were all sleeping. I just couldn't think anymore. I had to do something. I grabbed my phone and just started typing what I felt.

"Hey Rachel. Firstly, I want to apologise for the late reply. I just didn't know how to react. I was still a bit stirred up, but I guess I'm okay now. What a night huh? Anyway, I guess what I am trying to say is that I am sorry for taking us too fast. I really like you Rachel. If time is what it takes, then I am willing to wait. Sorry I keep saying sorry, I just really feel bad. Do tell Audris as well that I am sorry for shocking her. Also, tell her she might just qualify as a marathon runner for the olympics. Damn, she runs fast." I typed.

I went back to thinking about last night. What in the world was I thinking? Looking at the bright side, at least she knew what I felt about her. Also, I got to achieve a clear stand point that I wasn't at the verge of being friend-zoned again. I snapped back to reality when I felt my phone vibrating.

"That was some crazy night. No need to be sorry Damon. I like you too, and I think we should just take things step by step. Audris says sorry by the way for literally running away from you guys. She might just actually try out for the olympics she said. Are you guys on the way back home as well?" Rachel asked.

"That was by far the second scariest thing I ever experienced, besides the cemetery adventure. Yeah, we are on the way back home, everyone is sleeping." I typed, but didn't send it yet. I wanted to take her out for a proper date, to show her that I was willing to go through the whole step by step thing. "Hey Rachel, I was just wondering, would you like to go on a date with me next Saturday? (That is step one I guess?) I really want to make it up to you. Maybe catch a movie, and have dinner?" I added.

"Yes, that is how you ask a girl out without being too obvious, but being obvious at the same time. Smooth moves, Rivers! Anyway, yeah sure that would be nice. See you next Saturday D." She replied

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