Chapter 1

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I hate today , the first day of school and it's not because I'm underachieving or because I'm a trouble maker , no my reason Is stupid compared to those. I'm afraid of seeing Luke Matthews again , the guy with bright blue eyes , blond hair and the most amazing body you could ever imagine , he's one of the most popular guys at my school as well as being my cheeting ex boyfriend. 

"Harper , Harper wait up " . I pause while my two closest friends Carter and Tallulah run across the school car park towards me ."

"Hey how was you summer " Carter asks me while putting his arm around my shoulder

"Are you being fucking serious , I just told you not to ask about summer " Tallulah replies as she hits him on the head  . It's funny seeing Tallulah and Carter interact since all they ever seem to do is argue but they are actually really close .

"Lulah it's fine , I'm 100% over him" I say but I know it's not true the moment the words leave my mouth and I have a feeling they did too. The rest of the way to our form room we walked in silence no one quite knowing what to say next . 

"Hey , Captin join us over here" we all turn around to the direction of the voice and see the Scoccer team gathering in a corner . 

"Um see you guys later " Carter said before walking of in the direction of the team . Carter is the star striker of our school soccer team and the new captain for this years squad  with one of his close friends being the vice caption .

"See you in 2 period " I shouted back at Carter he leaves . Just as I was about to turn around I see Carter and Luke do that weird guy handshake / hug thing and my heart plummets . Its weird cause I should have expected it , when me and  Luke started dating Carter had said he would remain neutral no matter what happens between the two of us and anyway Luke and Carter were childhood friends . Oh and did I mention that Luke was the vice captain of the soccer squad?.

"Don't let it get to you " Lullah says that is when I realise I have been staring at Carter and Luke for the last two minutes 

" its just bothers me that he knows how hurt I was but he's still decided to talk to Luke , like where's the loyalty "  I reply  . Suddenly , Tallulah burst into laughter

"What ?"

" Take it from a girl with 3 older brothers , guys don't know the meaning of loyalty babe" Lullah spluttered 

" Three hot brothers" I say in an attempt the Change the conversation. 

" ewww I don't need or want to ever hear they shit again " Tallulah  screemed .Thats one of the things  I love about Lullah while she can be mature most of the time she does have a childish side to her aswell and she's right girls are way more dependable than boys.As I was about to walk into form room my own brown eyes met a pair of bright blue eyes , ones I should have hated but secretly loved , our eyes remained fixed on each other's for a short time before I turned away and walked into the classroom. This was not going to be the drama free senior year I wanted actually it seemed to be heading down the opposite road and i have only been in school for 20 minutes.i fuckung hate life!!!! 

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