Chapter 3

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After 8 long hours of school , most people are free to go home or spend their time having fun and enjoying themselves while I was going to watch a soccer match. Don't get me wrong I usually love watching soccer games it's just that I wasn't comfortable seeing one player in particular 

" Why can't you come with me ?" I ask Lullah while in the school toilets as she's doing her make up 

"Because I'm going on a date with Bentley this afternoon and besides Maria said she'd go with you " she replies 

"This is going to go so wrong I can just tell . Like what if Luke talks to me . What if he has a new girlfriend . OMG why did I agree to this again " I rant while pacing up and down the bathroom .

Tallulah stops applying her make up and places her hands on my shoulders as she calmly states " Relax . It's all going to be fine , your going because you love soccer and because you want to support Carter . If Luke talks to you ignore him . Okay "

"Okay "

"Now how does this look " she asks anxiously while jestering to her outfit which consisted  of a gorgeous white dress and a black leather jacket . Tallulah's soft curls fell perfectly to her waist and her make up was beautifully applied and had that no- makeup look.

"Perfect as usual " I reply as we walk out of the bathroom with our arms linked . 

"Bye , and call me later I want to hear every detail about your date " I say as I head towards the soccer field while Lullah gets in her car .

As I get closer to the field I can see the stands filling up quickly as soccer is really popular at my school and it does help that our school squad are the defending champions . I wait for Maria where she said she would meet me for 20 minutes and when she doesn't show up I decide to go in . 

Just as I take my seat the start whistle is blown and the game begins . For the first half an hour nothing intresting happens and neither of the teams have a single shot on target but 1 minute before half time Luke runs through the other teams defence and then passes the ball over to Carter who kicks it straight into the net. Everyone who supports our team cheers loudly as the squad celebrates as they go to take a break for half time. After 10 minutes , the teams come back onto the field and Carter waves at me . 

"Oh My Gosh Brit I think he waved at me . He's so fucking hot , I would do anything just to touch his abs " the girl behind me squeals  . 

"I already have" Brit boasts 

"Did not "

"Did too "

"Did not "

I can't believe that two friends are arguing over a guy . Who does that ? . Even though Carter is a good person he has got a reputation as a player and is constantly with a new girl . Even head cheerleader Rachael Woods is desperate to get a shot with Carter . I have not got a problem with cheerleaders as I could never do any of that gymnastics shit but since when do you only cheer for one person on a team  of 11. 

"Go . Carter he's our man if he can't do it no one can !!. ". Throughout the game the cheerleaders repeated this cheer finally the game ended 1 -0 to us . 

While I was waiting for Carter near his car I was approached by one of his soccer team mates . 

"Hi Harper. What did you think of the game ?" Ross asked me politely

"It was good " I replied . It's funny how after years of coming to soccer games this is the first time Ross has spoken to me 

"Look I heard about what happened between you and Luke and was wondering if you wanted some company tonight " Ross says as he begins to close the gap between us .

"Excuse me " I reply angrily 

"Look do you want to have sex with me or not " Ross shouts while grabbing my right arm 

" No " I shout back and try to take a step away from him but his grip on my arm is too tight . I start to worry about what was going to happen next and what Ross was going to do . With a sudden movement Ross is pushed against the car next to Carter's .

" What the fuck is wrong with you !!. She said no , don't  you understand English  "Luke shouts at Ross 

"I'm Sorry . I don't know what came over me " Ross replies as Luke releases his hold on him 

"What's going on here" Carter asks as he joins us at his car 

"Nothing mate " Luke replies before walking away with Ross in tow .  The first few minutes of the car journey Carter and I don't say a word to each other .

"Hey wanna hear a funny story " I ask Carter and he immediately nods his head 

"You know how you waved to me , well this girl behind me thought you were waving at her and her and her friend ....... started arguing over whether or not she had touched your abs " I laugh uncontrollably while Cartet just stared at me 

"That's not funny that's creepy " Carter replies while trying to contain his laughter .

"That was honestly the best part of tonight . I honestly have no idea why I came " I say 

"You do know I scored an amazing goal right . The goal that won us the game  ." He replies and and I begin to laugh again . A minute later we arrive outside my house and just as I was about to get out of the car Carter grabs my arm and turns me to face him so that our eyes our meet.

"Do you know why I wanted you you to come to the game ?" Carter asks and waits for me to answer when I don't he continues " it's because every game your at we win and I score a goal . Your my good luck charm " . He then let's go off my arm so that I could get out of the car . As I open my house door he drives away in his BMW. 

That night as I got into bed all I could think about was how he said I was his good luck charm . 

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