Chapter 4

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There ate two things I hate about school one being math and the other is the fact that it starts soo early in the morning .
"Harper , wake up you can't be this tired on the second day of school . It's not like you did any work yesterday " my little brother Brandon shouts .

"Shut up Brandon " . I reply while getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom . Sometimes I hate my little brother Brandon , just because he's smarter than the average 13 year old my parents made the stupid decision to send him to a gifted and talented school . Ever since then he's become so arrogant and seems think that he's above everyone else in this world .

"Kids if you stop arguing and are down here in ten minutes I'll give you both a ride to school ". My mother calls from the bottom of the stairs . I'm so proud of my self for being ready to get to school in less than 10 minutes , that's at least half an hour less than usual. Driving to school with my mum and brother is the most awkward thing I have ever experienced , throughout the whole car journey nobody said a thing . It's days like this when I wish I could be a part of a louder more interesting family like Lullah's  . As soon as I saw the school gates I shouted out a goodbye to my family and jumped out of the car , maybe school isn't that bad after all . As I head towards the front of the school where I usually meet with my friends tallulah grabs my arm .
" What happened to calling me last night ?" Tallulah asks
"So I'm guessing I don't get a hello or a hug today ?.Anyway how was your date". I reply while linking arms with her
"It was amazing , Bentley is so mature like seriously Harper you should go out with a college guy ". Lullah says while staring away into the distance .
"Nah I think I'll stay single for a while" I say knowing too well that getting Lullah involved in your dating life is not a good idea .
" Hey , have either of you seen Carter today ". Both Lullah and I turn around quickly and see Luke standing directly behind us .
" Umm ......... no I haven't seen him all day " I stutter as Luke walks off. As he walks away Tallulah burst into laughter
"What ? " I ask her
" Nothing .. It's just that you clearly still like that asshole " Lullah says
"Your so annoying !! ".I shout while we both head towards our form class .
I'm absolutely dreading second period maths , Ms Ali will probably have marked our papers and I'm bound to fail and then theres also the fact that I have to see Maria who bailed on me yesterday without a valid reason . Actually without any reason .But before maths I have chemistry . Yay ! Not.

"Harps wait up " Carter shouts as he runs to catch up with me .
"Your heading to chemistry right ". I say when he's walking by my side
"Yeah , but I kinda just want to go home now .This  morning was so fucking long " Carter says .
"What do you mean "
" Well two of my soccer teammates got into a fight and Ross ended up with a black eye , a split lip and bleeding nose . And now I have to figure out how to punish Luke and Ross" Carter sighs as he runs his fingers through his beautiful brown hair .
"Um do you know why they got into a fight ? " I ask as I think back to what happened  in the school car park last night .
"That's also a problem . Ross won't say why Luke hit him and Luke won't even explain his actions . I don't understand why Luke would do something this stupid . I honestly don't know what to do Harps " Carter says with clear frustration. This is the most confusing thing ever , why would Luke go out of his way to protect me and risk getting kicked of the soccer team ?.Thats all I could think about throughout the whole of my chemistry class and across the classroom I could tell that the issue was also on Carter's mind . Maybe it's time I have a word with Luke .

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2016 ⏰

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