Chapter 2

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You know how the first day of freshmen year you get shown around the school and your slowly introduced to classes,well seniors don't get that kind of treatment .The first day back and my first lesson is mathematics,I love school sooo much right now . Not . As I walk to class I catch sight of Maria Diaz at her locker , she's always easy to spot in a crowd as she has amazingly silky hair and the most unique fashion sense at my school.

"Hey Maria " I shout and recieve lots of looks and the occasional whisper about how Luke dumped me . Thats the thing about high school your business is everyone's business . Maria turns around and gives me the tightest hug ever . 

"Hi , long time no see babe , what's your first lesson ?" she says as she releases me from her death grip.   

" I have math and i see your going for a 70s vibe this semester "I reply as I check out her fashionable outfit which consisted of flared high - wasted jeans a bright crop top and a leather fringed bag with a colourful bandana in her hair. 

"Me too !!! . let's head to our math class we can't be late , I want to make a good impression on our new teacher" Maria squealed in excitement. That's another thing about Maria she isn't just beautiful and creative she's also extremely clever and most likely to be this years valedictorian .

" How could you like math ?

"No Harper , the question is how could you not like math ? " 

" Whatever " I reply as we make our way over to our maths classroom . This year we have Mrs Ali as our math teacher and she's very unpopular for giving out tons of homework and bring extremely strict . 

"I hope you have been practicing your algebra skills during the summer as im expecting at least 70% on this test from everyone " Mrs Ali says while handing out the test papers ,without even looking at the paper that's now infront of me I know I'm going to fail. Whose clever I idea was it to put numbers and letters together ?. I turn my head slightly and look over at Maria who is scribbling away while I'm still on question one . 

" Your time is now up please stop writing class" Mrs Ali says as she gets up to collect the papers . Even though  I managed to finish the paper I know for sure that I didn't get the amount of marks needed to pass. Just then the bell rings and Mrs Ali dissmisess the class. 

"Maria I totally failed " I say while heading to my history class.

"You don't know that for sure,just relax and wait till you get your result back " Maria replies 

"Easy for you to say we both know your going to get at least 70%"

" No I'm not " Maria denies before she gives me a quick hug and goes into her Art class. I make it to my history class on time and take a seat at the front while i'm not so good at math , history is my favourite subject and one that I excel in .

Suddenly someone puts their hands over my eyes leaving me very confused .

"Who am I ? " a male voice I recognise asks 

"Someone who will be dead if they don't remove their hands from my face " I reply angrily 

"Oooh your in a bad mood today aren't you , now just guess " the voice teasses

"Ugghh , I honestly don't know " I say 

" Your no fun "  the voice whines as he removes his hands from my face . I then see Carter Mason clearly . 

"Oh it's you " I say sarcastically just to see if i could  get a reaction out of him.

"Not  happy to see your dear friend Carter , the one you have known for 6 years , the one who listens to all your problems , the one that loves to spend time with you " Carter replies while pretending to be really upset 

"Oh shut up and sit down " I say .

Half way through our history lesson on President Kennedys assassination, Carter passes me a peice of paper which had some writing on it .

"Are you coming to watch the opening game of the soccer season after school?" . I read this and gave Carter a look 

I quickly write back on the paper . "No , Luke will be there " . 

"So what , you won't have to talk to him anyways you love soccer and have come to everyone of m my games for the last 3 years , why would you let that stop you from coming ". Carter writes back 

"Fine but your giving me a ride home " 

" Deal " . Carter writes back 

I can't believe I agreed to this but Carter is right I can't hide from Luke . And anyway I wouldn't want to miss his first game as captian of the squad .

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