Deja - vu

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Deja Vu

I opened my eyes. I had a feeling as though I was here before, but when I woke up, I never remembered what happened before I closed my eyes.

Pebbles covered the gray ground. The sky was the same gray. I knew this because I was sprawled out on the pebbled gray floor. My left cheek on the bumpy surface and my right cheek facing the dull sky.

My eyes were flicking around everywhere. Looking for some sort of civilisation. But all I could see was more pebbles and more gray sky.

I sat up. Where was I? Why was I here? I picked up a pebble. It felt like a normal pebble. Heck, why was I asking these questions when I didn't even know who I was?

I looked down. I was wearing an oversized long sleeved shirt and black tattered jeans.

Water. I had to find it. I stood up and took a wobbly step forward. The wobbly step made me stumble on a large pebble. I turned around to look at it. No not a pebble. A stick. I bent down and picked up the stick. Not a stick either. I unsheathed it and was struck by the glinting metal. Not a stick. A sword.

I held on to the sword and forged forwards. I still had water to find.


I had walked for approximately five hours now. My tongue was swollen and my lips were dry and cracked from the lack of body liquid.

With no shoes on, my feet were red and blistered. I was sweating even though it was cloudy which meant more loss of body liquid.

No wind was blowing therefore one less tool I had to find civilisation. The sword I had acquired was now dragging along the floor beside because of my lack of energy to carry it.

After an hour more of stumbling around, I could take it no more. I fell to the ground and was sprawled out in the exact position I started in.

I had gotten nowhere. I felt broken. Beaten. Gone. My chest was rising and falling rapidly as I huffed and puffed. My eyelids felt heavy so I decided to close them. If I were to. die, at least it would have been peacefully.


I slowly opened my eyes and the landscape flickered into view. I felt like I had been here before, but I can't remember for sure. I have never remembered yesterday. Not once.

I sat up groggily. Sand filled the red ground. I looked up. The sky was the same colour. I scanned the area hoping for something other than red ground and red sky. Nothing. Red was all there was.

Where was I? I dug my hand into the red sand. It was warm. Why was I here? I looked down. I was wearing a long sleeved oversized shirt and tattered black jeans. Who am I?

Water. I had to find the precious source. There had to be an Oasis here. I stood up and took a step forward but tripped on something. I looked down. A stick was sticking out from the sand. I pulled it up. No not a stick. I gripped the hilt and unscathed it. The metal inside was shiny and clean. A sword...

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